Define and address marketing problems or opportunities via systematically collecting and analyzing information and recommendation action

WHY MARKETING RESEARCH? Basically a risk management/reduction strategy for biz decision  to better understand the market condition

HOW IS MARKETING RESEARCH PERFORMED?  The MR Process: * define the problem NOT the symptoms * develop a research plan  how to collect data, what statistical tools to use, set parameters * collect relevant information * draw inferences based on thorough analysis  present findings to decision makers * take marketing actions  recommendations

Types of data: 
primary vs secondary
Primary: * observational -- ethnographic * focus groups * questionnaire data * experiments * panels
How mass data is collected: Survey methods – personal interviews, online, mail, faxes, mall intercepts
Types of questions used: * Open-ended vs closed-ended * dichotomous * Scaling methods: Semantic Differential Scale, Likert scale
Secondary data: * internal – sales data * external – Census Bureau, Journals, industry, data services, syndicated

see also:


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Law is the subject that touches every angle of human activities.  It has existed since the beginning of human society. The fundamental nature of the law is to regulate people’s conduct and, thus, to guarantee harmony in the society. Every person in the society is required to observe the law that guarantees non-interference with other peoples’ rights. Thus, everything a person is doing, with the view to sustain himself, is subject to the provisions of the law.  Failure to observe the law may attract sanctions and penalties. However, to be able to understand and apply the law one need to know at least the principles in which the law is found. This paper explains the meaning of the law, the nature of the law, the function of the law and the sources of the law in the society. 
see also: 


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There are two types of question: A student preparing for a law examination must train himself to answer two kinds of question:
I. Textbook questions, i.e. those requiring exposition or discussion of a particular topic. II. Problems, i.e. those requiring the application of legal principles (Essay type) to a given situation.
Textbook Questions. These are designed to test the student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject. Such questions require the statement, criticism or discussion of principles. Here are some points for guidance:
a) Read the question carefully. It is very important to read the question carefully and precisely. Underline any parts of the question which seems to you to be significant. Note particularly what you are told to do. E.g. a contract is an essence of the agreement, but not all agreements are contract. Discuss.  
b) Make an outline plan of your answer. In order to this you must try to see exactly what the examiner wants. If the question is widely drawn you will need a widely drawn plan. If the question is narrowly drawn, you will need a narrowly drawn plan. Make sure that the aim and scope of your plan exactly satisfy the question. It is at this stage you must settle what goes into your answer. Your outline will probably consist of four or five key sentences arranged in logical sequence. Jot down the name of cases and statutes you wish to cite. 
c) Write an answer based on the plan. Stick to the plan and try to set out the answer in an attractive way. Let the plan “show through” the answer so that your work has an obvious shape to it. If you think that sub headings will help to underline the form of your answer, then delineate them clearly (e.g. by numbering and underlining them) 
d) Express yourself with clarity and precision. Your style of writing is personal, but in law examinations it is usually best to aim at simplicity. Never use a long sentence when a shorter one will do. Never use a long sentence when the ideas contained in it can be more simply expressed in two or three short sentences. Keep close to the line of argument in your outline plan. Above all do not “waffle”: the examiner will always recognize this for what it is, and it will gain you no marks. 

Essay type Exams 
Most law exams call for essay-type answers, designed to test your ability to analyze and resolve legal problems. Your answer must demonstrate the ability to spot the precise legal issues involved in the problem, and to provide a LEGAL solution to those issues based on the materials studied throughout the course and your own reasoning ability. The following suggestions should be considered in writing your question:
(1) Analyze the problem carefully: Read the problem through once quickly and determine its general nature. Focus on the question asked at the end of the problem (e.g., "What are the rights and liabilities of the parties'?" or "What advice would you give P, and why?"). Keeping in mind the question asked, read the problem through again, slowly and carefully. Squeeze every word and phrase to raise all potential issues; you will later eliminate those that are not logically relevant. Ordinarily, it should not be necessary to read in or stretch the facts to reach the issues. Instead, confine yourself to the facts given and the logical inferences that can be drawn therefrom. Apply your "approach") to make sure that you have raised all relevant issues.
(2) Organize your thoughts: After you have completed your analysis, chart the issues and the manner in which you will resolve them before you start writing. Arrange the issues in the sequence in which you would expect a court to deal with them, i.e., normally, jurisdiction (applies to law students), then liability, and remedies. Jot down the points you will discuss in sufficient detail to force you to think the problem through to its conclusion. Make sure that your analysis is leading to a fair and practical solution; if not, recheck your analysis.
(3) Don't start writing until your analysis and organization is complete: You'll usually find it necessary to spend at least one-fourth of the time allocated for the question in analyzing the problem and organizing your answer. Don't be concerned that others begin writing before you do; examiners   are usually more concerned in the quality than the quantity of a student's answer. Also, a logical organization and clear expression of ideas can do wonders for a solid substantive answer and can even bolster a weak answer. Finally, you'll find you can write faster than you'd suppose.
(4) When you are ready to begin writing, use the I-R-A-C format for each issue raised:
IRAC=Issue+ Rule (Law) + Analysis + Conclusion
(a) First, specify the issue: State the issue in precise legal terms (e.g., whether the defendant beached the condition of contract"). Avoid generalizations and fence-straddling phraseology (e.g., "Can the offeree sue for breach of contract?").
(b) Next, state the applicable law - the rule and reasoning applicable to the issue: Consider the applicable law pertaining to the issue you have. The law can be case law or provision of legislations.   Make certain that you express the underlying rationale behind each rule of law. 
(c) Then, apply the law to the facts: Avoid the common error of stating a rule and then jumping to the conclusion that the rule should be applied. The examiner will not infer a supporting argument for you - you must spell it out. Therefore, with respect to each element of law involved, show which facts in the case support (or prevent) application of the rule. Discuss and weigh the facts given and logical inferences to be drawn therefrom. 
(d) Finally, come to a conclusion on each issue: Make sure that you have answered the question asked (e.g., if the question is "What advice would you give?" state clearly and explicitly your ad-vice). Never leave an issue "hanging," or end your discussion of the problem with a question. If a number of solutions are possible, discuss the merits of each, but always select one position as your decision and state why. Remember that in close cases, it is generally best to select the most practical and fair decision, and avoid a decision that disposes of the issues on purely technical grounds. Most law instructors appreciate and encourage independent and original legal reasoning. Therefore, don't consider yourself bound by the "general rule" " in answering an exam unless the question clearly calls for such.
(5) Remember these other helpful pointers:
(a) Budget your time: If you have allocated one-fourth of your time to analysis and organization, you should write only in such detail that you will cover all points raised in your analysis in the remaining time. Also, always save at least two or three minutes at the end of the period to review your answer and to clarify and improve it. You may pick up grade points simply by making your answer more readable or by catching obvious errors.
(b) Stick to the issues: It is not advisable to go into matters not directly raised by the exam question. Avoid the temptation to recite broad segments of the law which you may have committed to memory but which in reality have little to do with the problem raised. You will often find that you are short of time in writing a law exam, and it is therefore dangerous to digress from the actual issues.
(c) Emphasize what counts: Law exams are usually graded more heavily on certain issues than on others. Therefore, in writing your answer, spend as much time as possible on the more controversial or difficult parts of the problem. You should not minimize or skip over preliminary points, but your instructor is usually more concerned with the way you handle the difficult issues of the problem, and will grade accordingly. Except where the question clearly calls for it, discussions of historical materials, superseded doctrines, or discredited cases should be kept to a minimum.
(d) Make sure your answer is readable: A grader is not likely to be impressed by the logic of an answer that cannot be read or is difficult to decipher. Therefore, if your handwriting borders on the illegible, it will be helpful for you to learn to type your exams (Assignments). Typing is also a boon to those whose handwriting is so slow that it puts them at a disadvantage time wise on law exams. Whether you write or type, keep your sentences short and paragraph frequently. It is also a good idea to leave an extra line between paragraphs; it enhances readability and provides room for insertion of thoughts that occur to you later.  


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Rational Choice Theory

 1.  Introduction

          Rational Choice Theory is an approach used by social scientists to understand human behavior.  The approach has long been the dominant paradigm in economics, but in recent decades it has become more widely used in other disciplines such as Sociology, Political Science, and Anthropology.  This spread of the rational choice approach beyond conventional economic issues is discussed by Becker (1976), Radnitzky and Bernholz (1987), Hogarth and Reder (1987), Swedberg (1990), and Green and Shapiro (1996). 
          The main purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of rational choice theory for the non-specialist.  I first outline the basic assumptions of the rational choice approach, then I provide several examples of its use.  I have chosen my examples to illustrate how widely the rational choice method has been applied.
          In the paper I also discuss some ideas as to why the rational choice approach has become more prevalent in many disciplines in recent years.  One idea is that the rational choice approach tends to provide opportunities for the novel confirmation of theories.  I argue that these opportunities are the result primarily of the mathematical nature of the approach.
          I then consider several issues raised by rational choice theory.  First, I compare the limited meaning of “rationality” in rational choice theory with the more general definitions of the term use by philosophers.  Second, I describe some of the main criticisms that have been levied against the rational choice approach.  Third, I consider the limitations of rational choice models as guides to public policy.  Fourth, I review some Christian perspectives on the rational choice appraoch.

     I end the paper by outlining three sets of questions I would like us to discuss in the faculty development seminar.
                   Before I proceed, an apology and a caveat are in order.  I apologize for the length of this paper.  The British publisher Lord Beaverbrook once apologized to a friend for sending a five- page letter, saying he did not have time to write a one-page letter.  I have the same sentiment here.
                   The caveat is that my discussion of the rational choice theory in this paper is necessarily simplistic, so the reader should not take it as definitive.  If some element of the theory seems suspect in some way, there will nearly always be an advanced version of the theory published somewhere that is more subtle and nuanced.  Most statements in this paper are subject to qualification along many lines, so the reader should view what I present here keeping in mind the goal of the paper, which is only to give the reader some sense of the overall flavor of the rational choice approach.

2.  Basic Assumptions about Choice Determination

Rational Choice Theory generally begins with consideration of the choice behavior of one or more individual decision-making units – which in basic economics are most often consumers and/or firms.  The rational choice theorist often presumes that the individual decision-making unit in question is “typical” or “representative” of some larger group such as buyers or sellers in a particular market.  Once individual behavior is established, the analysis generally moves on to examine how individual choices interact to produce outcomes. 
A rational choice analysis of the market for fresh tomatoes, for example, would generally involve a description of (i) the desired purchases of tomatoes by buyers, (ii) the desired production and sales of tomatoes by sellers, and (iii) how these desired purchases and desired sales interact to determine the price and quantity sold of tomatoes in the market.  The typical tomato buyer is faced with the problem of how much of his income (or more narrowly, his food budget) to spend on tomatoes as opposed to some other good or service.  The typical tomato seller is faced with the problem of how many tomatoes to produce and what price to charge for them. 
Exactly how does the buyer choose how much of his income to spend on tomatoes?  Exactly how does the seller choose how many tomatoes to produce and what price to charge?  One could imagine a number of answers to these questions.  They might choose based on custom or habit, with current decisions simply a continuation of what has been done (for whatever reason) in the past.  The decisions might be made randomly.  In contrast, the rational choice approach to this problem is based on the fundamental premise that the choices made by buyers and sellers are the choices that best help them achieve their objectives, given all relevant factors that are beyond their control.  The basic idea behind rational choice theory is that people do their best under prevailing circumstances.
What is meant, exactly, by “best achieve their objectives” and “do their best?”  The discussion in this section will emphasize the choices of consumers.[1] The rational choice theory of consumer behavior is based on the following axioms regarding consumer preferences:[2]

(1)             The consumer faces a known set of alternative choices.
(2)             For any pair of alternatives (A and B, say), the consumer either prefers A to B, prefers B to A, or is indifferent between A and B.  This is the axiom of completeness.   
(3)             These preferences are transitive.  That is, if a consumer prefers A to B and B to C, then she necessarily prefers A to C.  If she is indifferent between A and B, and indifferent between B and C, then she is necessarily indifferent between A and C.
(4)             The consumer will choose the most preferred alternative.[3]  If the consumer is indifferent between two or more alternatives that are preferred to all others, he or she will choose one of those alternatives -- with the specific choice from among them remaining indeterminate.

When economists speak of “rational” behavior, they usually mean only behavior that is in accord with the above axioms.  I consider the definition of “rationality” in more detail near the end of the paper below.
                   Rational choice theories usually represent preferences with a utility function.  This is a mathematical function that assigns a numerical value to each possible alternative facing the decision maker.  As a simple example, suppose a consumer purchases two goods.  Let x denote  the number of units of good 1 consumed and y denote the number of units of good 2 consumed.  The consumer’s utility function is given by U = U(x,y), where the function U(·,·) assigns a number (“utility”) to any given set of values for x and y.[4]  The properties of a large number of specific function forms for U(·,·) have been considered.[5]  The analysis is by no means restricted to two goods, though in many cases the analyst finds it convenient to assume that x is the good of interest is and y is a “composite good” representing consumption of everything but good x.
The function U(·,·) is normally assumed to have certain properties.  First, it is generally assumed that more is preferred to less – so that U rises with increases in x and with increases in y.  Another way of saying this is to say that marginal utility is positive – where the term “marginal utility” is the change in utility associated with a small increase in the quantity of a good consumed.  The second property of U(·,·) is that of diminishing marginal utility, which means that the (positive) marginal utility of each good gets smaller and smaller the more of the good that is being consumed in the first place.  One’s first Dr. Pepper after a workout yields quite a lot of satisfaction.  By the fifth or sixth, the additional satisfaction, while still positive, is much smaller.
                   An important result in consumer theory is that a preference relationship can be represented by a utility function only if the relationship satisfies completeness and transitivity. The converse (that any complete and transitive preference relation may be represented by a utility function) is also true provided that the number of alternative choices is finite.  [Mas-Collel, Whinston, and Green (1995, p. 9)]   If the number of possible alternative choices is infinite, it may not be possible to represent the preference relation with a utility function. 
                   Rational choice analysis generally begins with the premise that some agent, or group of agents, is [are] maximizing utility – that is, choosing the preferred alternative.  This is only part of the story, however.  Another important element of the choice process is the presence of constraints.  The presence of constraints makes choice necessary, and one virtue of rational choice theory is that it makes the trade-offs between alternative choices very explicit.  A typical constraint in a simple one-period consumer choice problem is the budget constraint, which says that the consumer cannot spend more than her income.  Multi-period models allow for borrowing, but in that case the constraint is that the consumer must be able to repay the loan in the future.
                   The use of utility functions means the idea of agents making the preferred choices from among available alternatives is translated into a mathematical exercise in constrained optimization.  That is, an agent is assumed to make the feasible choice (feasible in a sense that it is not prohibited by constraints) that results in the highest possible value of his or her utility function.  Constrained optimization methods (based on either calculus or set theory) are well developed in mathematics.
                   The solution to the constrained optimization problem generally leads to a decision rule.  The decision rule shows how utility-maximizing choices vary with changes in circumstances such as changes in income or in the prices of goods.
                   A third element of rational choice analysis involves assumptions about the environment in which choices are made.  Simple economic models are often restricted to choices made in markets, with emphasis on how much of each good or service consumers want to purchase (or firms want to produce and sell) under any given set of circumstances. 
                   A fourth element of rational choice analysis is a discussion of how the choices of different agents are made consistent with one another.  A situation with consistent choices in which each agent is optimizing subject to constraints is called equilibrium.  In the fresh tomato market, for example, the choices of buyers and sellers are consistent if the quantity of tomatoes consumers want to purchase at the prevailing price is equal to the quantity that firms want to produce and sell at that price.  In this as in other simple market models, price plays a key role in the establishment of equilibrium.  If consumers want to purchase more than firms are producing, the price will be bid upward, which will induce more production by firms and reduce desired purchases by consumers.  If consumers want to purchase less than firms are producing, the resulting glut will force prices down, which will reduce production by firms and increase purchases by consumers. 
                   Fifth and last, in the absence of strong reasons to do otherwise such as the imposition of price controls by the government, the analyst employing rational choice theory will generally assume that equilibrium outcomes in the model are adequate representations of what actually happens in the real world.  This means, in the above example, that a rational choice theorist would explain changes in the actual price of tomatoes observed in the real world by looking for possible causes of changes in the equilibrium price of tomatoes in her model.

                   The basic rational choice theory described above has been extended in a number of ways. I will consider four important ones in this section, though there are of course many others.
                   First, the basic theory accounts only for choice at a given time – that is, the model is static. In contrast, a dynamic (or intertemporal) model allows the agent to plan for the future as well as make choices in the present.  In a dynamic model, the agent is still assumed to maximize utility, but the concept of utility is generalized to include not only present satisfaction but also future satisfaction.  The agent does not just make choices today – he makes a plan for current and future choices.  In this case, it may well be “rational” to sacrifice (e.g., consume less or work more) today in order to obtain some better outcome tomorrow.  The dynamic formulation is an essential element of theories of saving and investment.
                   One issue that arises in dynamic models is that of discounting.  In most dynamic models, the agents under consideration are assumed to prefer (other things equal) a given level of consumption in the present to a given level of consumption in the future.  Consider a model with two periods, 1 and 2.  Let U1 denote the agent’s utility in period 1 and U2 denote utility in period 2.  (U1 and U2 can depend on a number of factors, some of which can be controlled by the agent.)  The agent would then be assumed to formulate a plan for periods 1 and 2 to maximize the sum V = U1 + ·U2, where 0 <  < 1 is the “discount factor.”[6]  A specification of  < 1 means that a given utility is worth less to the agent in the future than in the present, and is denoted a “positive rate of time preference” or simply “time preference.”  A justification for time preference is given by Olson and Bailey (1981).  Elster (1984, pp. 66ff) summarizes the opposing view that “... for an individual the very fact of having time preferences, over and above what is justified by the fact that we are mortal, is irrational and perhaps immoral as well.”  In any case, dynamic models with positive time preference are pervasive in the rational choice literature.
                   The basic rational choice model assumes all outcomes are known with certainty.  A second extension of the basic model involves explicit treatment of uncertainty.  This is important in rational choice models of crime, for example, where a rational agent is assumed to consider the chance he or she will be apprehended while committing a criminal act.  The rational choice model is extended to allow for uncertainty by assuming the agent maximizes expected utility.  Uncertainty is characterized by a probability distribution that assigns a likelihood (probability) to each possible outcome.  Suppose there are two possible outcomes (for example, the prospective criminal is apprehended while committing a crime, or not apprehended while committing the crime), which we can denote outcome A and outcome B.  Let pA denote the probability that outcome A will occur pB denote the probability of outcome B.  With these as the only possible outcomes, it is clear that pA + pB = 1  -- that is, there is a 100% chance that either A or B will occur.  Let U(A) be the agent’s utility with outcome A and U(B) be the agent’s utility with outcome B.  The agent is then assumed to maximize expected utility, which is the sum of utility in each outcome weighted by the probability that outcome will occur:  V = pA·U(A) + pB·U(B).  In general, the choices of the agent can affect pA and pB as well as U(A) and U(B). 
                   A related (and third) area in which the rational choice model is extended involves incomplete information.  In the basic model described above, the agent knows perfectly all the qualities of the goods under her consideration.  More generally, an agent may have to make choices when she does not have full information.  A university generally does not have full information about the future research productivity of a new assistant professor, for example, and a used car buyer cannot be certain that he is not driving a “lemon” off the lot.
                   The fourth area in which the basic rational choice model is extended involves strategic behavior.  This generally occurs in situations in which there are only a few agents.  The key issue is that each agent must take into account the likely effect of his actions on the decisions of other agents, all of whom are looking at the situation the same way.  A classic ongoing example of this kind of interaction involves the crude-oil production decisions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).  Acting collectively, OPEC members have an incentive to restrict production to keep the world price of crude-oil high.  Thus each OPEC country is given a production quota – a limit on the amount it can produce.  Each country acting individually, however, has an incentive to “cheat” on its quota and thereby be able to sell more crude-oil at the high price.  This will only be successful if the other countries maintain their quotas, however, thereby keeping the price high.  Thus when a country is contemplating the breach of a quota, it must consider how other member countries may react.  The branch of economics that deals with strategic interactions is called game theory.[7]
3.  A Brief Description of the Rational Choice Method
                   Like most scholarship, rational choice analysis usually begins with a question.  What determines church attendance?  Are suicide rates affected by the state of the economy?  Do seat belt laws make highways safer?  Under what circumstances are “cold turkey” methods necessary to end addictions?  Why are drivers of certain minority groups more likely to be pulled over by police?  Which soldiers are most likely to suffer casualties in a war?  Why can’t Yasser Arafat and Ariel Sharon just get along?  Why did large mammals become extinct in the Pelistocene era?  When are workers most likely to “shirk” their job responsibilities?  Does a reported decline in “consumer confidence” portend a slowdown in the economy?
                   Varian (1997, p. 4) describes the model-building process as follows:

... all economic models are pretty much the same.  There are some economic agents.  They make choices in order to advance their objectives.  The choices have to satisfy various constraints so there’s something that adjusts to make all these choices consistent.  This basic structure suggests a plan of attack:  Who are the people making choices?  What are the constraints they face?  How do they interact?  What adjusts if the choices aren’t mutually consistent?

                   I will provide a slightly more detailed description here. Rational choice analysis may be characterized as working through the following steps:

(1) Identify the relevant agents and make assumptions about their objectives. 
(2) Identify the constraints faced by each agent.
(3) Determine the “decision rules” of each agent, which characterize how an agent’s choices respond to changes of one kind or another – for example, how the quantity of tomatoes purchased might change with price or income.  This task is usually accomplished mathematically by the solution of a constrained optimization problem.
(4) Determine how the decision rules of various agents may be made consistent with one another and thereby characterize the equilibrium of the model.[8]  Effective analysis of complex interactions between agents normally involves the use of mathematical methods, which can sometimes be quite sophisticated.
(5) Explore how the equilibrium of the model changes in response to various external events.  That is, determine the predictions or implications of the model.  Again, this step can involve substantial use of mathematics.
(6) Examine whether the predictions determined in step (5) are consistent with actual experience.  This step often involves the statistical analysis of data and can involve sophisticated techniques (to control sample selection bias, for example).
(7) Draw conclusions and any implications (for government policy, for example) implied by (6).

It is often the case that the question at hand may be addressed by reference to standard theoretical results (e.g., people generally want to consume less of a product when its price increases).  In these circumstances the analyst often will not specify and solve a rational choice model explicitly.  Instead, she will assume the reader understands that the model could be specified and solved if necessary and would have conventional implications. 

A.      Preference Specification
                   In rational choice theory behavior follows from the pursuit of objectives, so preference specification is crucial.  Frank (1997, p. 18) describes two general approaches.  The self-interest standard of rationality “says rational people consider only costs and benefits that accrue directly to themselves.”  The present-aim standard of rationality “says rational people act efficiently in pursuit of whatever objectives they hold at the moment of choice.”  Frank contends that neither approach is obviously satisfactory.  Many people would seem to care about more than their own material well-being, so the selfish egoism implied by self-interest standard is probably too narrow.  In contrast, the present-aim standard puts no restrictions at all on preference formation, which means that anything can be explained by an appeal to preferences.  Again quoting Frank (1997, p. 18): 

Suppose, for example, that we see someone drink a gallon of used crankcase oil and keel over dead.  The present-aim approach can “explain” this behavior by saying that the person must have really liked crankcase oil.

The main strength of the self-interest standard is that the associated preference specifications are generally straightforward.  This approach, which dominates basic economic theory, usually assumes that utility depends only on the consumption of material goods and services and that, for any given good or service, more is strictly preferred to less.  Bergstrom (forthcoming) presents an analysis based on evolutionary considerations showing circumstances under which selfish behavior will become dominant.
The present-aim standard has also been used in rational choice models, but its use is nowhere near as prevalent as use of the self-interest standard.  The reasons are threefold.  First, the self-interest standard has often been successful in the sense of yielding predictions that are consistent with experience.  Second, there is no compelling way to specify preferences when the only criterion is “more than self-interest matters.”  (People may care about others, but are teh jealous or altruistic?)  Third, self-interest standard models are more tractable analytically and are more prone than present-aim models to imply specific observable predictions.  In particular, models in which agents care about each other in some way are prone to have multiple equilibria (sometimes an infinity of equilibria).  Frank (1987) makes an evolutionary argument that preferences should include concerns for others.  Bergstrom (1999) explores some possible solutions to the “multiple equilibrium” problem.

B.      Theory Revision
                   It many instances step (6) will find that one or more of the predictions of a model are not borne out by the data.  In these cases, the typical rational choice theorist will not even consider abandoning the assumption of utility maximization.  Instead, she will conclude that she must have missed something about constraints or preferences and attempt to revise her theory accordingly.
                   This issue of theory revision is very tricky, and space limitations (not to mention by limited understanding) permit only a brief discussion here.  Suppose a theory T has prediction P, when in fact available data indicate the opposite (not P, or ~P).   The theory might then be revised in some way to become theory T’, where T’ predicts ~P rather than P.  My impression is that most economists would much rather change assumptions about constraints rather than change assumptions about preferences.[9]  This viewpoint reflects a desire to avoid meaningless tautologies such as “he consumed more tomatoes because his preferences changed in such a way that he wanted to consume more tomatoes.”  One can explain any choice in this way.   
                   Hausman (1984) summarizes the thinking of Lakatos (1970) as follows:

A modification of a theory is an improvement if it is not ad hoc.  Modifications may be ad hoc in three ways.  First of all, a modification of a theory may have no new testable implications at all.  Lakatos regards such modifications as completely empty and unscientific.  Modifications that are not ad hoc in this sense are “theoretically progressive.”  It may be, however, that the testable implications of the theoretically progressive modifications are not confirmed by experiments or observations.  In that case modifications are theoretically progressive but not empirically progressive.  They are ad hoc in the second sense.  An extended process of theory modification is progressive overall if the modifications are uniformly theoretically progressive and intermittently empirically progressive.  As one is modifying one’s theory in the hope of improving it, modifications must always have new testable implications, and those testable implications must sometimes be borne out by experience.  But one crucial feature of science has been left out.  Throughout this history of repeated modifications, there must be some element of continuity.  No theoretical progress in economics is made if I modify monetary by theory by adding to it the claim that copper conducts electricity.  The expanded theory has testable (and confirmed) implications, but something arbitrary has simply been tacked on.  Such a modification is ad hoc in the third sense.  One needs to recognize the role of something like a Kuhnian “paradigm.”  Modifications of theories must be made in the “right” way.  (p. 23)

I believe that most rational choice theorists would adhere to these criteria for effective theory modification.  As Stigler and Becker (1977) note:

What we assert is not that we are clever enough to make illuminating applications of utility-maximizing theory to all important phenomena – not even our entire generation of economists is clever enough to do that.  Rather, we assert that this traditional approach of the economist offers guidance in tackling these problems – and that no other approach of remotely comparable generality and power is available.  (pp.  76-7)  ….  We also claim … that no significant behavior has been illuminated by assumptions of differences in tastes.  Instead, they, along with assumptions of unstable tastes, have been a convenient crutch to lean on when the analysis has bogged down.  They give the appearance of considered judgement (sic), yet really have only been ad hoc arguments that disguise analytical failures.  (p. 89)

In any case, one can change assumptions about preferences only if the new assumptions not only fix the failure of the previous model (that is, they imply ~P rather than P) but also have new predictions that are not rejected by the data. 

C.  Why is the Rational Choice Approach so Popular? [10]
                   Defenders of the rational choice approach – e.g., Becker (1976) -- argue that the approach  is useful because it tends to generate non-tautological predictions.   Suppose a scholar wants to account for some observed phenomenon P.  For example, P might be the fact that wage rates paid to workers (after adjustment for inflation) tend to rise during good economic times [expansions] and fall during bad economic times [recessions]. It is generally quite easy to develop a theory T that predicts P, especially for someone who has studied P carefully.  In fact, many such theories can be constructed. 
Importantly, however, it is generally not good scientific practice to use the same data to both formulate and test a hypothesis or theory.  If so, all theories would be confirmed.  Instead, good methodology will develop a theory T that not only predicts P, but that also has other predictions Q1, Q2, Q3, … Ideally, many of these predictions will be observable – that is, one should be able to determine if Q1, Q2, Q3 …. do or do not in fact occur.  If these predictions are not observed – say not Q1 (~Q1) is observed rather than Q1 – the theory may be judged inadequate and either revised or discarded.  If I may be allowed a lapse into imprecise language, a theory can never be right if there is not at least some possibility in the first place for it to be wrong.[11] 
This is not to say that rational choice theorists are pristine with respect to this requirement.  The history of economic thought is no doubt full of bad theories (“bad” in the sense that one or more key predictions are not consistent with the data) that have been saved by ad hoc modifications.  It is to say that proponents of the rational choice approach contend that ad hoc theorizing and the resulting empty tautologies may be less prevalent with their approach than with other approaches.
I certainly agree that the rational choice method does in fact tend to generate many testable predictions, and in Sections 4 and 5 below I discuss several illustrative examples.  Despite the fact that advocates of rational choice theory justify their approach in this way, I know of no study that explicitly compares methodologies along these lines.  Is it really the case that rational choice models have more non-tautological implications than the models implied by other approaches?  I am not sure anyone has examined this issue carefully.
I believe the rational choice methodology is gaining in popularity not just because it tends to generate lots of observable predictions, but also because it tends to generate novel predictions.  This is an extension of the idea of novel confirmation. 
                   Novel confirmation embodies the sentiment expressed by Descartes (1644) that we know hypotheses are correct “only when we see that we can explain in terms of them, not merely the effects we originally had in mind, but also all other phenomena which we did not previously think.” [Quoted by Musgrave (1974), p. 1)] Campbell and Vinci (1983, p. 315) begin their discussion of novel confirmation as follows:

 Philosophers of science generally agree that when observational equivalence supports a theory, the confirmation is much stronger when the evidence is ‘novel’.  The verification of an unusual prediction, for example, tends to provide much stronger confirmation than the explanation of something already known of something the theory was designed to account for.  This view is so familiar that Michael Gardner has recently described it as ‘a lengthy tradition – not to say a consensus – in the philosophy of science.’

As seems to often be the case in the philosophy of science, the usefulness of novel confirmation is not as well established as the above quote implies.  Campbell and Vinci (1983) also note that “... the notion of novel confirmation is beset with a theoretical puzzle about how the degree of confirmation can change without any change in the evidence, hypothesis, or auxiliary assumptions.” (p. 315)   Kahn, Landsburg, and Stockman (1992) maintain that the question of novel confirmation can be addressed meaningfully only in the presence “of an explicit model by which hypotheses are generated.” (p. 504)   They find that the idea of novel confirmation is valid if there are unobservable differences in the abilities of scientists or if there is some chance of error in observation.[12] 
                   Campbell and Vinci (1993) distinguish between epistemic novelty and heuristic novelty.  Epistemic novelty occurs when a theory has an implication that would be considered highly improbable in the absence of the theory.  There is of course a question over the proper definition of “highly improbable.”   Heuristic novelty occurs when the evidence predicted by a theory plays no heuristic role in the formation of the theory.   Descartes would seem to be referring to heuristic novelty in the above quote.
                   Rational choice theory is a useful methodology in part (perhaps in large part) because it tends to lead the researcher to novel implications, thereby making novel confirmation more likely than may be the case with other methodologies.  Space and time considerations do not allow me to attempt a full-blown analysis of this conjecture, which in any case I am not really qualified to undertake because of my limited exposure to alternative social science methodologies not based on rational choice and my limited knowledge of the philosophy of science.  In Sections 4 and 5 below I describe  several examples of rational choice theory and some associated novel implications. 
                   I should note that the mathematical nature of rational choice theory would appear (to me) to be crucial here.   Mathematics allows the theorist to make some sense out of complicated interactions between decision-making units that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to untangle.  It is precisely those kinds of situations in which rational choice theories are most likely to have novel implications, because the implications are not immediately apparent even to scholars with knowledge, experience, and intuition. 
                   We now proceed to Section 4, which provides a detailed discussion of a rational choice model of church attendance.  Section 5 gives shorter summaries of several other rational choice models, including models of suicide, auto safety regulation, addiction, racial profiling, Congressional influence on military assignments, political revolutions, megafauna extinction, and the predictability of consumption spending.

4.       A Detailed Example:  Church Attendance  

                   Azzi and Ehrenberg (1975) develop a rational choice model of church attendance.  This is a classic paper, which Iannaccone (1998, p. 1480) calls “... the first formal model for religious participation (within any discipline) and ... the foundation for nearly all subsequent economic models of religious behavior.” [Italics in original.]  Their analysis begins with the assumption that the utility of a household consisting of two members, a husband and a wife, is given by:

(1)                         U = U(C1, s1, C2, s2, ..., Ct, st, ..., Cn, sn, q),

where Ci is the household’s consumption of market goods and services in period i (i = 1, ... n), and si denotes religious participation in period i.  The model assumes “for simplicity” that both members of the household know how long they will live and that both will die at date n.  This is a dynamic model, because the household cares about future as well as current consumption.
                   The remaining variable in the household utility function, q, is the “expected value of the household’s afterlife consumption.”  Azzi and Ehrenberg assume that church attendance follows from a “salvation motive” (the desire to increase afterlife consumption) and a “social pressure motive” (where church membership and participation increases the chances that an individual will be successful in business), rather than necessarily a pure “consumption motive” (people simply enjoy the time they spend at church). 
                   Consumption in period i (any year during which the husband and wife are alive) is given by:

(2)                                            Ci = C(xt, h1t, h2t),

where xt is denotes the consumption of goods and services purchases in markets, while h1t and h2t are the amounts of time devoted by the husband and wife, respectively, to market-based consumption.  The idea here is that satisfaction involves not only the purchase of a good (such as a television) but also time spent using the good. 
                   The social value of church attendance in period i, denoted by si, is determined as follows:
(3)                                                 si = s(r1i, r2i)
where r1i and r2i denote the time spent on church-related activities by the husband and wife, respectively, in year i.   People get more current satisfaction from going to church the more time they devote to church-related activities.
                   After-life consumption q is determined as follows:

(3)                                 q = q(r11, r12, r21, r22, ..., r1n, r2n),

That is, the more time spent on church-related activities during all periods of life means the more the household members will enjoy their afterlife.  Azzi and Ehrenberg (p. 33, fn. 7) note that “Our household’s view of the afterlife is not one of an all-or-nothing proposition (heaven or hell), it is rather that there is a continuum of possible outcomes.”   
                   The choices of the household are constrained by time and money.  The two household members can allocate time in labor [which generates income that can be used to purchase the goods and services denoted by xt in equation (1) above], consumption-related activities [reflected in h1t and h2t in equation (2) above], and church-related activities [reflected in the r1i and r2i in equation (3) above].  The constraint here is that each day has 24 hours.  Hence the couple can spend more time on church-related activities only if they spend less time earning income and/or consuming.
                   The second constraint in the model says basically that, over the course of their lives, the couple cannot spend more than their combined income.  “Over the course of their lives” means that it is possible for them to borrow early in life as long as they repay the loan (with interest) later in life.  It is also possible to lend early in life, which means that consumption can exceed income later.  The amount of labor income the couple earns depends on the amount of time spent working by the husband and wife and the wage rate each is paid.  The model also allows for “non-labor income” in each period, which might reflect investment returns.  The distinction between labor and non-labor income turns out to be rather interesting and important with respect to church attendance.
                   Azzi and Ehrenberg’s analysis is complicated in some respects and simple in others.  It is complicated because it considers consumption over several periods rather than just one, and it allows for “consumption” to depend on time (the h1t and h2t) as well as purchases of goods and services in the market (xt).    The model is simple in that it does not consider the “supply side.”   That is, the model simply assumes that the household can “buy” any amount that it likes of consumption goods (xt) and that there are no effective limits on religious participation (st). 
                   The power of the rational choice approach is that rational choice models tend to have lots of observable implications, some of which are novel.  The Azzi and Ehrenberg model implies that:

·        (i) The frequency of church attendance increases with age;
·        (ii) Females attend church more frequently than males;
·        (iii) Nonwhites attend church more frequently than whites;
·        (iv) People who believe in an afterlife attend church more frequently;
·        (v) Having a spouse of the same major religion increases participation;
·        (vi) As health deteriorates church attendance declines; 
·        (vii) An increase in the number of pre-school age children present in the household reduces church attendance;

·        (viii) An increase in the number of school-age children present in the household increases church attendance;

·        (ix) Females’ hours devoted to religious activities will rise more rapidly with age than will the hours devoted by males to religious activities;

·        (x) For males who show sharp earnings increases in their 20s, religious participation may first decline with age and then increase;

·        (xi) An increase in nonlabor income will increase religious participation; and

·        (xii) The effect of a proportionate shift in wages (say, a 10% increase in the present and  all future periods) on church attendance is ambiguous. 

                   Many of these implications are not surprising, but (ix) would appear to be somewhat novel.  Item (ii) means that 40 year old women will attend church more frequently than 40 year old men.  Item (ix) means that the change (increase) in church participation associated with aging from 40 to 50 will be greater among women than among men.  Item (ii) follows directly from the fact that females tend to have lower wages.  Thus if one could find couples in which the wife earns more than the man, the model predicts for those couples that the wife will probably not be inclined to attend church more frequently.  Also, allowing for an uncertain time of death may overturn (i):  “... once an individual is faced with a relatively high probability of death in a period it may become optimal for him to concentrate his religious participation as early as possible, since he may not survive to ‘invest’ in future periods.”  (p. 38)

5.       Several Brief Examples
                   This section presents a brief overview of several applications of rational choice theory.  Unlike the church attendance example above, in which the form of the utility function was written out explicitly, the discussions in this section for the most part present only brief descriptions of the relevant optimization problems and some of the resulting implications.

A.  Suicide  
Hamermesh and Soss (1974) develop a rational choice theory of suicide.  They assume that the utility of an individual in any given period depends positively on “consumption” and negatively on “a technological relation describing the cost each period of maintaining [oneself] at some minimum level of subsistence.”  (p. 85)  “Consumption” is a function of age and of “permanent income,” which is a measure of current and expected future income.  Individuals are assumed to vary exogenously (according to a probability distribution) in their distastes for suicide – that is, some individuals are more averse to suicide than others.  This framework implies that “... an individual kills himself when the total discounted lifetime utility remaining to him reaches zero.”  (p. 85). 
                   Thus in this model we have a rational individual who is forward looking, considering not only his present utility but what his future utility is likely to be.  If total utility over the rest of his life is higher with suicide and life ending in the present than it is with the continuation of life, suicide is the “rational” option.  Here are some of the major implications of the model.

·        (i) The suicide rate should rise with age.
·        (ii) The suicide rate should fall with increases in permanent income[13] and decreases in the unemployment rate. 
·        (iii) The marginal absolute effect of permanent income on suicide declines as permanent income increases.  

The first two effects are by no means surprising, but the third effect is certainly by no means obvious ex ante (at least to me).  (ii) means that suicide rates will fall as income rises.  (iii) means that the effect of increases in income gets smaller the larger income is to begin with.  A $10,000 raise is much more likely to prevent suicide if the person is earning $50,000 to begin with than if the person is earning $150,000.   This is quite plausible, but the point is that it is not something most analysts would think about ex ante. 

B.  Auto Safety Regulation. 
Peltzman (1975) considers the likely effects of “legally mandated installation of various safety devices[14] on automobiles.”[15]  The devices in question for the most part were designed to reduce the damages caused by accidents rather than to reduce the likelihood that accidents occur.  Peltzman notes that the auto safety literature estimates the impact of safety mandates by assuming that (i) the mandates have no effect on the probability that an accident will occur, and (ii) the mandates have no effect on the voluntary demand for safety devices.  In effect, the regulations were implemented based on analysis that assumed the same number and nature of accidents would occur, but that automobiles would be better equipped to protect drivers and passengers from injury and death.  He notes that “[t]echnological studies imply that annual highway deaths would be 20 percent greater without legally mandated installation of various safety devices on automobiles.”  (p. 677) 
                   Peltzman considers the behavior of a typical driver and postulates quite reasonably that he or she is made worse off by traffic accidents – or, equivalently, that he or she benefits from safety.  Peltzman also assumes, however, that the driver benefits from what he calls “driving intensity,” by which he means “more speed, thrills, etc.” (p. 681).   Other things equal, the driver can obtain more driving intensity only by driving less safely.  Thus the driver faces a trade-off between two goods, intensity and safety, in which more of one can be obtained only by giving up some of the other. 
                   This kind of trade-off is in standard fare for rational choice theorists.  In basic consumer choice theory the consumer with a given income can obtain more of one good only if he or she consumes less of some other good (or goods). 
                   The standard consumer choice problem also considers what happens when the consumer’s income rises.  Rational choice theory predicts that, in the absence of very unusual circumstances, the consumer will buy more of most goods when income rises.  Put another way, it is typically not the case that a consumer will allocate one hundred percent of an increase in income to increased consumption of a single good.  Income increases tend to be “spread around” over several goods.
                   Peltzman argues that the imposition of mandated safety devices in automobiles is rather like an increase in income in the sense that the devices make it possible for drivers to obtain both more safety and more intensity.  Technological studies in effect assume that drivers will respond by consuming only more safety, but rational choice theory indicates that drivers can also respond by consuming more intensity (that is, by driving less safely).  The extent to which drivers choose between more safety and more intensity is ultimately an empirical question. 
                   Suppose drivers choose to increase consumption of both safety and intensity -- which is what economists have come to expect in these kinds of situations.  In this case, the rational choice model implies that the number of total driving accidents[16] should rise because of increased driving intensity, while the average amount of damage per accident – as reflected, say in the number of fatalities among passengers – should decrease because of the safety improvements.   This means that it is actually possible for total traffic fatalities to rise as a result of the safety mandates!  This would happen if the increase in the number of accidents is sufficiently large relative to the decrease in average damage per accident. 
                   Once again we have an example of a rational choice model yielding implications that are not obvious ex ante.  The novel predictions here are that the imposition of auto safety mandates (i) should increase the occurrence of traffic accidents, and (ii) should decrease the relative frequency of accidents involving passenger fatalities, and (iii) may increase or decrease the total number of traffic fatalities. 
                   After extensive empirical testing based on several data sets, Peltzman concludes that “regulation appears not to have reduced highway deaths.”  (p. 714).  There is indeed some evidence that the number of deaths increased, but in most cases that evidence is not strong.  In any case, there is no evidence that the regulations decreased traffic fatalities.  Peltzman also finds that the safety mandates were followed by an increase in the number of accidents involving pedestrians and by an increase in the number of accidents involving only property damage with no injury to vehicle occupants.
                   A related paper by McCormick and Tollison (1984) considers the effect on arrest rates of an increase in the number of police officers.  Rational choice theory indicates that the quality of law enforcement should not be judged by arrest rates alone.  If the number of police officers increases and as a result the probability of arrest for any given crime increases, rational prospective criminals will see the expected cost of crime rise and therefore undertake fewer criminal acts.  Total arrests reflect both the number of criminal acts (which should fall) and the percentage of criminal acts for which an arrest is made (which should rise).  Total arrests rise only if the latter effect is stronger than the former. 
                   McCormick and Tollison test their theory using data from the Atlantic Coast Conference in men’s college basketball.  In 1978, the conference increased the number of officials from two to three.  In this context, one may think of officials as police officers and fouls called as arrests.  McCormick and Tollison find that this 50 percent increase in the number of officials caused a 34 percent reduction in the number of fouls called (p. 229). 
                   When my son Aaron (now almost 5 years old) was an infant, he attended the Baylor Child Development Center during the day.  In the room where the teacher changed diapers, there was a pad on the counter but no restraint of any kind (such as a belt or guard rail).  When I asked the director about this, she said that there was no restraint because she (the director) did not want to give the teacher a false sense of security.  With a belt or rail, the teacher might be tempted to walk away for “just a minute” to check on something in the room.  Whether restraints increase or decrease changing table accidents is an empirical question, though Pelzman’s analysis suggests the director made the right decision.

C.  Addiction 
          Stigler and Becker (1977) propose a rational choice theory of addiction, a theory subsequently elaborated by Becker and Murphy (1988).   In this theory, “a person is potentially addicted to [some good] c if an increase in his current consumption of c increases his future consumption of c.  (Becker and Murphy, 1988, p. 681)  The key feature of these models is that a consumer’s utility in any given period depends not just on consumption in that period, but also on “consumption capital”.  Consumption capital is essentially the consumer’s ability to enjoy a particular good, which depends on past consumption of the good and perhaps on other factors. 
                   If past consumption enhances current enjoyment ability, the addition is said to be beneficial.  This might be the case, for example, with listening to classical music.  The more one listens to classical music, the greater one’s capacity to appreciate it.  Stigler and Becker note that beneficial consumption capital might also be positively influenced by education.  Highly educated people might have a greater capacity to enjoy things like classical music, opera, and art.
                   If past consumption reduces current enjoyment ability, the addition is said to be harmful.  This is the case with substances such as heroin and other substances normally considered to be addictive.  The more heroin a person consumes in the present, the less will be his or her future enjoyment (“high”) from any given amount of heroin consumption in the future.[17] 
                   The formal setup in Stigler and Becker (1977, p. 78) is relatively simple.  First consider beneficial addiction – to, say, classical music.  Consumer utility (U) depends positively on two goods, M (music appreciation) and Z (other goods):  U = U(M, Z).  Music appreciation depends positively on the time allocated to music listening (tm) and on music consumption capital (Sm):  M = M(tm, Sm).  Music consumption capital at date j, Smj, depends positively on the time allocated to music consumption in the past, Mj-1, Mj-2, …., and positively (perhaps) on the person’s level of education at time j (denoted Ej):  Smj = S(Mj-1, Mj-2, … , Ej).  The addition is beneficial if Smj depends on positively on the past values of M. 
                   Alternatively, for harmful addition we may replace M with H, where H denotes the consumption of a good such as heroin.  In this case, consumption capital S depends negatively on past values of H. 
                   The elaborated model of Becker and Murphy (1988) views addictive behavior as a situation in which the consumption of a particular good begins to increase rapidly.[18]  Their model has a number of implications.  Perhaps the most interesting is their finding that the demand for addictive goods should be quite sensitive to permanent changes in price (where the “price” of illegal goods includes the expected costs associated with apprehension by authorities, as well as any foregone earnings that may result from becoming addicted and, say, unable to work), but not necessarily to temporary price changes.  A second implication is that strong addictions, if they are to end, must end suddenly (“cold turkey”).  “Rational persons end stronger addictions more rapidly than weaker ones.”  (p. 692).  Other implications are that “addicts often go on binges” (p. 675), “present-oriented individuals are potentially more addicted to harmful goods than future-oriented individuals” (p. 682), and “temporary events can permanently ‘hook’ rational persons to addictive goods” (p. 691).
                   Stigler and Becker (1977) and Becker and Murphy (1988) do not perform empirical tests of their models of rational addiction. Tests have been performed by other authors, however.  Because good consumption data are not available for illegal substances, tests have focused on tobacco and caffeine.  Tests based on tobacco consumption are reported by Becker, Grossman, and Murphy (1994), and Keeler, et. al. (1993).  A test based on caffeine consumption is reported by Olekalns and Bardsley (1996).  These tests are generally supportive of the rational addiction theory. 
                   Becker and Murphy (1988) note that with a simple extension their model can explain cycles of overeating and dieting.  Their basic analysis assumes there is only one kind of consumption capital.  Suppose that with respect to food there are instead two types of consumption capital, one of which is simply the person’s weight (which might be called “health capital”) and the other of which is “eating capital.”  That is, eating can be both harmful and beneficial in the senses defined above.  As eating increases, health capital falls (weight gain has detrimental effects on health) and eating capital rises (the capacity to enjoy food is greater the more one eats).  Under appropriate conditions, utility maximization results in cycles of dieting and binging.[19]
                   Rational addiction theory has been applied to the analysis of religious behavior – see Iannaccone (1984, 1990) and Durkin and Greeley (1991).  Iannaccone (1998) summarizes this approach.  Utility depends on “religious commodities” produced, the value of which depends on “religious human capital.”  The stock of religious human capital depends on time and money devoted to religious activities in the past.  These models have the following predictions, “nearly all of which receive strong empirical support” (Iannaccone, 1998, p. 1481):
·        Individuals tend to move toward the denominations and beliefs of their parents as they mature and start to make their own decisions about religion;
·        People are more likely to switch denominations early in life;
·        People tend to marry within religions; if they do not, one spouse is likely to adopt the religion of the other.

D.  Racial Profiling 
          Law enforcement authorities in many jurisdictions have been criticized in recent years for racial bias in their choice of cars to search for illegal drugs and other contraband.[20]  The fact that police are more inclined to stop and search cars driven by members of certain minority groups is well established.  Knowles, Persico, and Todd (2001) develop a rational choice model that “suggests an empirical test for distinguishing whether this disparity is due to racial prejudice or to the police’s objective to maximize arrests.”  In their model, the typical police officer “maximizes the total number of convictions minus a cost of searching cars.”  (p. 209)  Motorists “consider the probability of being searched in deciding whether to carry contraband.”  (p. 209)  At least some motorists perceive a benefit to carrying contraband.  If they do carry, their expected benefit is positive if they are not searched and negative (that is, there is a positive expected cost) if they are searched. 
     The model implies that if police officers are not racially biased, the frequency of guilt among motorists conditional on being searched will be independent of race.[21]   In their empirical analysis based on 1,590 searches on a stretch of Interstate 95 in Maryland between January 1995 and January 1999, Knowles, Persico, and Todd find support for this proposition.  They interpret this result as “the absence of racial prejudice against African Americans” (p. 212).
     The fact remains, however, that African Americans are searched more frequently than whites.  If this does not arise from racial bias by police officers, then why does it occur?  One possibility noted by the authors is that “race may proxy for other variables that are unobservable by the policy officer and are correlated with both race and crime.  Possible examples of such unobservables are the schooling level or the earnings potential of the motorist.”  (p. 212)
While one may quibble with some elements of this study, for our present purposes the main point is that the rational choice theory, at least potentially, yielded implications that allowed the analyst to gain some insight (if not a final resolution) into the issue of racial profiling. 

E.  Congressional Influence on Military Assignments 
          Prior to the 1960s, economic theory tended to view politicians and other government officials (bureaucrats) as disinterested observers and regulators of economic activity.  A group of economics led by Nobel Laureate James Buchanan then developed a branch of economics known as public choice theory, which views government officials as self-interested maximizers.  Goff and Tollison (1987) take a public choice approach to gain some understanding of casualties in the Vietnam War.  The typical soldier is assumed to prefer not to be placed in risky combat situations, and this preference is shared by the soldier’s family.  A solider (or more likely his family) might therefore try to gain a low-risk assignment by asking for intervention in military decisions by his Senator or Representative.  Senators and Representatives are assumed to desire re-election, which implies a desire to please their constituencies.   The ability of a Senator or Representative to have this kind of influence, however, varies according to committee assignments, ties to the military/industrial complex, etc. 
Goff and Tollison assume that political influence depends on seniority, with more seniority implying more influence.  Taken together, all these assumptions have the straightforward implication that soldiers from states with more senior (and hence more influential) Senators and Representatives should, other things equal, have experienced fewer casualties in Vietnam than soldiers from states with less senior (and therefore less influential) Senators and Representatives.  Their empirical analysis (using data from January 1961 to September 1972) supports the hypothesis:

In the House, the Mississippi delegation had an average seniority of 27.7, while Hawaii had an average seniority of 61.7.  [A seniority ranking of 1 indicates the member had the highest seniority in his or her party.]  In terms of lives, this represents about 6 fewer war deaths for every 100,000 of population in Mississippi relative to Hawaii.  Ceteris paribus, this difference in House seniority leads to a 55 percent higher casualty rate for Hawaii than Mississippi.  … In the Senate, Arkansas had an average seniority of 6.2, and Maryland had an average seniority of 45.4.  Other things equal …, this difference leads to an 86 percent higher casualty rate for Maryland than for Arkansas.  In terms of lives, this translates into about 7 more war deaths for every 100,000 of population in Maryland than in Arkansas. (pp. 319-20)

In this case, the value of the rational choice approach is not so much in the fact that it yields surprising answers to a well-established question, but that it suggests a unique question to ask in the first place.  It is by no means obvious that someone not thinking about self-interested Senators and Representatives would even think to ask the question addressed by Goff and Tollison.                

F.  Ideology and Intransigence

          Roemer (1985) applies game theory to the analysis of political revolutions.  Specifically, he presents a two-player game between “Lenin” and the “Tsar.”  Lenin’s objective is to maximize the probability of revolution, while the Tsar’s objective is to minimize that probability.  As in any game-theoretic setting, when making decisions each player keeps in mind how the other player might react.  Lenin tries to create revolution by lining up coalitions, where people are induced to join a coalition with the promise of income redistribution.  The Tsar tries to prevent revolution by promising to punish anyone who participates in revolutionary activities (assuming the revolution attempt is unsuccessful).  Increased penalties reduce the number of individuals who are likely to join the coalition but increase the revolutionary fervor of those who do.  An individual will join a coalition attempting to overthrow the Tsar if the expected benefit to him or her of doing so exceeds the expected cost.  There is of course some uncertainty about the outcome. 
                   Roemer’s results include the following:
… it is shown that various “tyrannical” aspects of the Tsar’s strategy, and “progressive” aspects of Lenin’s strategy need not flow from ideological precommitments, but are simply good optimizing behavior, given their respective goals in this game.  Thus apparently ideological positions of Lenin and the Tsar are provided with microfoundations of a sort.  (p. 85)

One may be tempted to conclude from this that Roemer is saying that Lenin and the Tsar are in fact not genuinely ideological and that their ideological posturing is therefore insincere.  Roemer addresses this idea as follows:

If one demonstrates that Lenin’s optimal strategy in recruiting coalitions to revolutionary action is to propose a progressive redistribution of income, that does not imply that actual revolutionary leaders do not have ideological precommitments to progressive redistribution; it implies, rather, that a would-be revolutionary leader who is precommitted against progressive redistribution will necessary be limited to suboptimal strategies.  The successful revolutionary leaders, the ones we will tend to observe, are the ones whose ideology does not precommit them against using the strategies that a disinterested optimizer would use.  Likewise, actual Tsars are surely not non-ideological; what the analysis intends to show is that successful Tsars will tend, statistically, to have an ideology which will permit them to do the (non-ideologically) optimal thing.  (p. 86)

This result may provide some insight, for example, into the apparent intransigence of Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat in the Spring 2002 conflict involving Palestine and Israel.  Roemer’s analysis is not inconsistent with the fact that each man may in fact be strongly ideological.  It suggests, rather, that if they did not have their particular ideological predispositions they would be unlikely to occupy their current positions of leadership.  Mediation attempts that focus on asking each leader to “be reasonable” would therefore seem to be doomed to failure.
                   Roemer’s model also has the interesting implication that society can be separated into three income groups, and “…members of the poorest class are surely in the revolutionary coalition, members of the richest class are surely out of it, and members of the middle class have an indeterminate revolutionary status.”  (p. 102)    The Tsar threatens to impose identical and severe penalties on every member of the poorest class, which “might be thought to add fuel to the solidarity they feel with each other.”  (p. 105)  Roemer interprets this result as a possible explanation for class consciousness. 

G. Megafauna Extinction
Approximately ten thousand years ago a large number of large mammals (“megafauna,” including the camel, horse, bison, mastadon, llama, and mammoth) in North America became extinct.  This extinction has been attributed to climate change [Guilday (1967)] and to “overkill”  by Paleolithic hunters [Martin (1967)].    Smith (1975) develops a rational choice model to examine the overkill hypothesis.  His model consists of a typical primitive person who gains utility from consuming corn [c] or meat [m].  “Corn” might be the result of either gathering or agriculture.  The person has a given amount of labor time (L) that can be allocated either to agriculture (A) or hunting (H), so L = A+H.  The average production of corn is determined by c = A, where A is the amount of time devoted to agriculture and is a parameter describing farming (or gathering) efficiency.  The average production of meat is determined by m = f(H, M/n), where H is the amount of time devoted to hunting, is a parameter describing hunting technology, M is the biomass of the hunted species (average weight per animal times number of animals), and n is the number of individuals in the population.  There are also relations explaining the change in biomass over time, which is (among other things) determined by speed of growth, length of gestation period, length of maternal care, and length of life of animals being hunted. 
Among the many implications of this model are the following:

·        (i)  Larger animals are more likely to become extinct (p. 739).
·        (ii) The greater the efficiency of hunting labor, the smaller the equilibrium stock of animals (p. 740).
·        (iii) Changes in hunting efficiency can either increase or decrease hunting effort and average equilibrium well-being.  “Greater hunting efficiency could [either] release labor for agricultural employment or so reduce the animal stock that society is made poorer.” (p. 740)  Greater hunting efficiency can increase well-being in the short-run, however, as appeared to be the case with the effect of the horse on Plains Indians – “many of whom were uprooted from their agrarian activities but who achieved greater affluence as bison hunters” (p. 740).
·        (iv) “… any increase in population will be offset by a corresponding decrease in each individual’s hunting labor.  This is a very strong empirical implication of the model, for it asserts that (under our technological assumptions) once a hunting society diversifies into agriculture (or gathering), the pressure of increasing population on animal stocks disappears.”  (p. 741)

The last two implications are perhaps somewhat novel.  Implication (iii) will be familiar to economists as related to conventional “substitution” and “income” effects, augmented by the fact that increased hunting can have a negative long-run effect on biomass.  Implication (iv) suggests that extinction was much more likely when hunters did not have non-hunting alternatives.  For example, “… if the environment was economically more favorable for gathering in Africa than it was in North America, then the overkill hypothesis is not inconsistent with the greater survival of megafauna in Africa.”  (p. 750, fn. 9)
                   Smith goes on to note that this “overkill” is an example of a well-known phenomenon in economics:  “Economists have long been familiar with the proposition that unconstrained nonpriced access to any common-property resource such as a fishing or hunting ground  … leads to inefficient use of such resources.”  (p. 741).  The solution is to restrict access in some way.  One method is the institution of property rights, in which access is granted via ownership.  Other methods include “social and legal restrictions such as quotas, sharing rules, licensing, or prohibitions.”  (p. 741)  Smith contents that this fact can explain “… the development of conservationist ethics, and controls, in more recent primitive cultures.”  (p. 727)

H.  Shirking

                   Alchian and Demsetz (1972) consider the problem of employee “shirking” – i.e., an employee not putting his or her full effort into a job.  Consider a firm and a worker.  The firm is  assumed to maximize profits, an important element of which is to not incur unnecessary or unproductive costs.  The worker is assumed to maximize utility, which depends positively on the goods and services that can be produced with labor income and positively on leisure.  Given labor income, the worker has an incentive to “shirk” his or her responsibilities – in effect increasing leisure and thereby increasing utility.
                   The firm would naturally like the worker to put forth his or her best effort and not shirk.  Depending on the nature of the job in question, it may be very easy (cheap) or very difficult (expensive) for the firm to monitor accurately the performance of the worker.  That is, the firm has incomplete information about worker performance.  If production takes place in a team, for example, it may be very difficult to isolate with certainty the contribution of each individual member of the team.  In this case, individual team members will have more of an incentive to shirk, because the expected cost of doing so will be low.  Firms will monitor workers only up to the point where it is cost-effective to do so.  There are some kinds of mild shirking that are simply too expensive for firms to pursue.  Even so, there is level of compensation mandated by the labor market for any given set of observable skills.  Thus in equilibrium, jobs that are hard to monitor will have some compensation in the form of “shirking privileges” rather than wage payments. [22]
                   Alchian and Demsetz derive the following implications from their analysis:
·        Profit-sharing arrangements are more likely to occur in small firms than in large firms. 
·        Artistic and professional workers (e.g., lawyers, advertising specialists, and doctors) will be monitored less closely than production workers (e.g., workers loading trucks).
·        There will be greater shirking in non-profit, mutually-owned enterprises than in corporations.
·        “Team production in artistic or professional intellectual skills will more likely be by partnerships than other types of team production. …. Also, partnerships are more likely to occur among relatives or long-standing acquaintances, not necessarily because they share a common utility function, but also because each knows better the other’s work characteristics and tendencies to shirk.” (p. 790)
·        Workers are more likely to unionize when firm performance with respect to workers is difficult to monitor. 

Staten and Umbeck (1982) apply the Alchian-Demsetz shirking theory to claims for disability payments by air traffic controllers.[23] There is a strong incentive for controllers to claim disability:  “On average, disabled controllers with at least one dependent qualify for tax-free disability compensation that actually exceeds their normal take home pay.” Controllers normally qualify for disability on the basis of “emotional and nervous disorders resulting from the demands of their occupation.”  Unfortunately, “.. the types of disabilities controllers have been acknowledged to suffer as a product of their job are the very ones posing the greatest measurement difficulties for the compensation systems.”  (All quotes in this paragraph are taken from page 1025.) 
In 1972 Congress authorized funding for a “Second Career Training Program” in which air traffic controllers who had been removed from active duty (either because of medical inability to perform job tasks adequately or to protect the employee’s mental or physical health) could receive free training for another career.  “The cause of the problem was not required to be job related.  If such a controller had been employed for at least five years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would pay for an approved training program of the controller’s choice and maintain him at his base rate pay for up to two calendar years from his date of dismissal.”  (p. 1027). 
In 1974 Congress passed a law that made it easier for traffic controllers to demonstrate disability by allowing the testimony at disability hearings of physicians selected by the controller himself or herself.  Previously only the testimony of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) flight surgeon, or occasionally a private physician designated by the FAA, was allowed.  “The change allowed employees greater freedom in physician shopping to find a doctor sympathetic to a claim, or to find one who might be sympathetic for a price.”  (P. 1026)
Staten and Umbeck note that “by lowering the expected cost of claiming a disability, we would predict that [the laws described in the above paragraph] …would each lead to an increase in disability claims filed, some genuine and some not.  We would also expect each to be followed by a more than proportional increase in psychological and emotional claims [as opposed to claims based on easily demonstrable physical conditions], some genuine and some not.  (p. 1028) 
The laws did in fact have the predicted effects on total disability claims and on the proportion based on emotional and psychological causes.  This result raises the question of whether, or the extent to which, the new claims were fraudulent rather than genuine.  The rational choice approach used by Staten and Umbeck allows them to address this question.  By established procedures, a controller can prove a disability claims only by reference to “specific stressful incidents on the job.”  These incidents must involve “separation violations” – situations in which the controller allows two or more aircraft to move in closer proximity than regulations allow.  There are two types of separation violations, “system errors” and “near mid-air collisions” [NMACs] with the latter considerably more serious than the former.
          Staten and Umbeck argue that “[t]here are several reasons why we would expect changes in controller incentives to file [disability] compensation claims to affect reported system errors and not NMACs”  (p. 1030)   The system was set up in such a way that there was no benefit to a controller (in terms of the probability of his or her disability claim being approved) of an NMAC as opposed to a system error.  The authors “… assume that controllers place some value greater than zero on human lives.  If the gains from having high-risk separation violations [that is, NMACs] are zero, then controllers would be willing to allocate resources to avoid them.”  (p. 1031)  To the extent that the increase in disability claims after the 1972 and 1974 claims was fraudulent, claims based on system errors should have increased in frequency relative to claims based on NMACs.  Empirical tests based on FAA data confirm that this was in fact the case.  The value of the rational choice approach in this context is that it allowed the researchers to deduce observable implications of fraudulent behavior. 

I.  Predicting Consumption Behavior

Economists have long considered expectations about the future to be potentially important for behavior.  The problem is that expectations are not directly observable. Prior to the 1970s, most macroeconomic models (models that attempt to explain economy-wide phenomena such as inflation and unemployment) assumed that expectations are adaptive – that is, expectations change only in response to observed changes in the variable under consideration.  If expectations are adaptive, for example, people will begin to expect more inflation in the future only if they see more inflation in the present. 
The 1970s witnessed a revolution in the way economists think about expectations – the so-called “rational expectations” revolution.  First proposed by Muth (1961), rational expectations embodies the idea that within the context of a model, the expectations held by agents in the model are the expectations implied by the model itself.  Although this would appear  circular, it is in fact possible to solve such models and (with certain auxiliary assumptions) obtain unique equilibria.
Hall (1978) applies the rational expectations hypothesis to a theory of consumption behavior first advanced by Friedman (1957).  This so-called “permanent income” hypothesis says that consumption spending in a particular period (a particular year, say) depends not just on after-tax income in that same year, but also on expectations about future income.  People who expect future income to be high are likely to consume more out of current income. 
Friedman notes that this hypothesis has an interesting implication about the relationship between consumption and income:  Consumption should be much less sensitive to income among occupations in which income tends to be volatile (e.g., farming and sales) than in those occupations in which income tends to be stable (e.g., teachers and bureaucrats).  The reason is that when income is stable, an increase in current income tends also to signal an increase in future income.  An increase in farm or sales income this year, however, says very little about what income will be next year.  Friedman looks at consumption behavior across occupations and finds that this implication is supported by the data.
Hall (1978) finds that combining the rational expectations hypothesis with the permanent income hypothesis has a striking implication:  given current consumption, no other variable (including current income, interest rates, stock prices, measures of consumer confidence, etc.)  should be of any use in predicting future consumption.  This was a very novel implication, but it did receive considerable support in Hall’s statistical tests.  Hall’s empirical results were later questioned by Flavin (1981), however.

J.  Other Papers
                   The above discussion only touches the surface of the scope of rational choice theory.  In this section I will mention very briefly several other interesting uses of the rational choice approach.
Marschak (1965) considers how rational choice theory can provide insights into the development of language.  Rubinstein (1998) and Glazer and Rubinstein (2001) provide a rational choice explanation of rules used in debating.  The rules of debate are “treated as tools designed to enable the best elicitation of information, given the constraints on the length of the debate and the interests of the debaters.”  [Rubinstein (1998), p. 23] 
Yamaguchi and Ferguson (1995) use rational choice theory to explain the stopping and spacing of childbirths.  Dickert-Conlin and Chandra (1999) consider the effects of taxes on the timing of births.  The strength of the financial incentive for a birth to occur in December rather than January depends on certain features of the tax code.  They find that “… increasing the tax benefit of having a child by $500 raises the probability of having the child in the last week of December by 26.9 percent.”  (p. 161)
                   Mason and Fett (1996) use rational choice theory to analyze whether civil wars end in negotiated settlement or military victory.  Peltzman (1973) shows that “… a subsidy in kind, such as below-cost education provided by state universities, replaces more private consumption of the subsidized good than an equivalent money subsidy, such as a scholarship.  Indeed, a subsidy-in-kind may reduce total consumption.”  (p. 1, italics in original)  Ehrlich and Chuma (1987) consider a rational choice theory of longevity.  They note that their analysis “… establishes not merely the finiteness of life as a consequence of optimizing behavior, but the existence of a well-defined demand function for longevity as well.”  (p. 250)  Friedman (1987) develops a rational choice model to explain why “[h]ouses in cold climates are kept warmer in winter than those in warm climates, despite the greater cost of heating in colder climates.” (p. 1089)
                   This list could continue indefinitely.  I hope this extended discussion of examples has given the reader at least some flavor of how the rational choice approach works and the breadth of issues to which it has been applied.  The following section considers very briefly (and incompletely) critiques of the rational choice approach and some of the issues raised by those critiques.

6.       Issues in Rational Choice Theory
                   This section considers briefly several issues in rational choice theory.  Subsection A considers the definition of rationality.   Subsection B is a general overview of the many critiques of rational choice theory.  Subsection C considers how rational choice theory is used to make recommendations to government policymakers.  Subsection D provides a brief overview of some Christian perspectives on rational choice theory. 

A.  Definition of Rationality

                   What does it mean to say that a choice is “rational?”  In rational choice theory it means only that an agent’s choices reflect the most preferred feasible alternative implied by preferences that are complete and transitive (that is, choices reflect utility maximization.)  This is a quite narrow definition of rationality.[24] 
More generally, a “rational” choice must by definition be a choice based (somehow) on reason.  Reason has been defined as “the faculty or process of drawing logical inferences.”[25] Logical inferences relate premises to conclusions.  In this context one might ask two kinds of questions.  First, does a stated conclusion follow from a given set of premises?  Second, one might ask judgmental questions about premises – that is, are premises justified or well-defended?  The second kind of question inevitably involves an appeal to another set of premises, so any exercise in logic must rest ultimately on one or more undefended premises.
As applied to rational choice theory, the first kind of question involves whether a given choice is consistent with utility maximization -- given whatever preferences happen to be.  The second kind of question involves judgments about the nature of assumptions about preferences. 
With respect to the first kind of question, a choice is irrational if it is not consistent with utility maximization.  Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, there are several generic instances of this kind of irrationality that are not especially dependent on the specification of preferences.  The easiest illustration of this kind of irrationality is when someone makes a choice based on what economists call a sunk cost.  Frank (1990, pp. 53-4) provides an example:

Cornell University has two sets of faculty tennis courts, one outdoor and the other indoor.  Membership in the outdoor facility is available for a fixed fee per season.  There is no additional charge based on actual court use.  The indoor facility, by contrast, has not only a seasonal fee, but also a $12 per hour charge for court time.  The higher charges of the indoor facility reflect the additional costs of heat, electricity, and building maintenance.  The indoor facility opens in early October, a time when the Ithaca weather can be anything from bright sunshine and mild temperatures to blowing sleet and snow.  The outdoor courts remain open, weather permitting, until early November.  During good weather, almost everyone prefers to plan on the outdoor courts, which are nestled in one of Ithaca’s scenic gorges.
     Demand on the indoor facility is intense, and people who want to play regularly must commit themselves to buy a specific hour each week.  Having done so, they must pay for the hour whether they use it or not.
     Here is the problem:  You are committed to an indoor court at 3:00pm on Saturday, October 20, the only hour you are free to play that day.  It is a warm, sunny afternoon.  Where should you play, indoors or out?
     I find that surprisingly many of my noneconomist partners balk when I say that playing on the outdoor courts is the only sensible thing to do.  “But we’ve already paid for the indoor court,” they invariably complain.  I ask, “if both courts cost the same, which would you choose?”  They immediately respond “outdoors.”  I then explain that both courts do cost the same – because our fee for the hour is going to be $12 no matter which place we play – indeed, no matter whether we play at all.  The $12 is a sunk cost, and should have no effect on our decision.  The alternative, however, is to waste an opportunity to play outdoors, which we all agree is something even more valuable.  True enough, it is bad to be wasteful, but something is going to be wasted, no matter which place we play. 
     Eventually, most people come around to the notion that it is more sensible to abandon the indoor court, even though paid for, and play outdoors on sunny fall days.  The rational choice model says unequivocally that is what we should do. …

Frank identifies several other generic examples of behavior that is irrational in the sense that it does not reflect utility maximization, many of which are based on experiments discussed by Tversky and Kahneman (1981).  These examples include situations in which people seem to (i) value gains differently from foregone losses (and losses differently from foregone gains) and (ii) confuse out-of-pocket costs and costs associated with foregone alternatives (so-called “opportunity costs).
                   The other possible kind of irrational choice would be a choice that is consistent with the maximization of utility based on preferences that are somehow irrational.  That is, the choice (analogous to the conclusion of a logical argument) does indeed follow from maximization of utility given preferences (analogous to the premises), but the preferences (premises) themselves are somehow flawed.  To make this kind of argument, one must appeal ultimately to another logically prior set of premises (we might call them meta-premises).  To return to an example quoted near the beginning of this paper, suppose a person drinks a gallon of crankcase oil because he really likes crankcase oil.  In this case his choice follows rationally from his preferences, but we might have some questions about the nature of his preferences.  If we have one or more meta-premises in mind (e.g., humans are made in the image of God and one’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit), we might be able to characterize his preferences as irrational in the sense that they are inconsistent with those meta-premises.  A choice that follows logically from irrational preferences must (in the absence of a fortuitous coincidence) be an irrational choice.
                   Frank (1990, p. 54) addressees this issue as follows:

The standard economic model of rational choice assumes that consumers maximize well-defined utility functions.  When questions arise about what goes into these functions (that is, questions about what people really care about), most economists quickly defer to psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers.  As a practical matter, however, economists seldom consult outside sources for guidance on how to portray people’s tastes.  Rather, they are content to assume that the consumer’s overriding objective is the consumption of goods, services, and leisure – in short, the pursuit of material self-interest.  Economists also assume that the consumers act efficiently in the pursuit of their objectives.  [Emphasis added.]

Frank goes on to show that “[o]nce we modify the traditional utility function by introducing sympathy, anger, or concerns about relative position, we modify the conclusions of traditional models in fundamental ways.  There is nothing mystical about the emotions that drive these behaviors.   On the contrary, they are an obvious part of most people’s psychological makeup.”  (p. 65)
                   Sugden (1991) surveys the intersection of economics and philosophy with emphasis on the meaning of rationality.  Specifically, he compares and contrasts “instrumental (or Humean) rationality” and “Kantian rationality.” Instrumental rationality would seem to view preferences as beyond justification:

Hume provides the most famous statement of the instrumental view of rationality.  ‘Reason alone’, he says, ‘can never be a motive to any action of the will’, and “reason is, and ought only to be a slave of the passions.’    The ultimate motive for any act must be some kind of pure feeling or ‘passion.’  Since all we can say about a state of feeling is that exists within us, there is nothing in such a state on which reason can get a grip.  The qualification ‘ultimate’ is important here.  Hume recognizes that some of our desires may be formed as a result of rational reflection, but insists that any such reflection must take some desires as given.  Actions can be motivated only by desires, and no desire can be brought into existence by reason alone.  (p. 753)

An action can therefore be “irrational” only if it is not consistent with unexplained passions and desires.  Preferences are undefended premises.  This is squarely consistent the “first kind of question” I describe above. 
Sugden also notes that “from a philosophical point of view, Kant’s conception of rationality is the most prominent alternative to the instrumental one.”  (p. 755).  In this case, reason would appear to have some role in the determination of preferences:

To ask whether an action is rational, we must not (as in the instrumental approach” ask how it connects with the psychologically given desires and beliefs of the actor; we must instead examine the coherence of the principles which – from the viewpoint of the actor, conceiving himself as autonomous – determined the action.  (pp. 755-6)

I assume that “coherence” means the absence of contradictions.   In particular, preferences must be consistent with “categorical imperatives”, which are “principle[s] which the chooser can will to be … universal law[s] for all rational agents.”  (p. 755)   Sugden characterizes the implications of a categorical imperative as “do X, regardless of your wants.”  (p. 755)   Kant’s perspective has the following rather striking implication:

Thus for Kant, reason alone can be a motive for action of the will.  Categorical imperatives are imperatives that would be recognized by any agent possessing the faculty of reason.  Thus they are not merely independent of the particular desires of any particular agent; they are independent of any facts, however general, about human psychology or human society.  The autonomous agent imposes his own laws; but if each agent arrives at these laws by the use of reason, all will arrive at the same laws.  (p. 756)

                   Thus we begin to get a sense of how muddled discussions about “rational choice” can become.  If we are not careful with our definitions, it is quite possible for a particular choice to be simultaneously rational and irrational!  It is rational in the first sense if it follows from utility maximization, but irrational in the second sense if the maximization is based on preferences that are “irrational” in some way.

B.      Critiques of Rational Choice Theory

Rational choice theory has long been the dominant paradigm in Economics, though even in Economics it has been subject to vigorous criticism.  The name used in Economics for the rational choice approach is the neoclassical paradigm, so for the remainder of this paper I will use the terms “rational choice theory” and “neoclassical economics” interchangeably.   Prychitko (1998) provides a useful survey of alternatives to the neoclassical paradigm.  Alternative schools of thought discussed in the Prychitko volume include Austrian, Post-Keynesian, Institutional, and Radical (Marxist).  Another important alternative to the neoclassical paradigm is the Behavioral approach, which is described by Mullainathan and Thaler (2000).
Criticisms of the rational choice approach may have a practical, an empirical, or a theoretical basis.  Practical criticism says that rational choice theorists are not asking the right kinds of questions.  One kind of empirical criticism (which might be denoted empirical failure) says that a theory does not account adequately for observed phenomena.  Another empirical criticism (empirical ignorance) is that the developer of a theory does not even attempt to test it empirically.  Leontief (1971) applies all of these kinds of criticism to economic practice, though most economists would argue that there are many instances of empirical success in the economics literature (when a theory does in fact account adequately for observed phenomena).  Green and Shapiro (1994) apply both kinds of empirical criticism vigorously to rational choice models in political science. 
In general, theoretical criticisms can come in two forms – regarding either the nature of a model’s assumptions or whether the conclusions stated by the theorist actually follow from the assumptions.  Criticism of the latter kind is rare in rational choice theory, primarily because of the reliance of the theory on mathematical techniques.  When a theory is couched in terms of mathematics, it is usually quite straightforward to determine whether the conclusions follow from the assumptions.  If they do not, a theory is not likely to be published.  Theoretical criticisms are therefore normally levied against the assumptions of the rational choice approach. 
                   The natural reaction of many economists to criticisms about assumptions is to quote a famous paper by Friedman (1953, pp. 14-15):

 ... This widely held view [that one can evaluate a theory by the conformity of its assumptions to reality] is fundamentally wrong and productive of much mischief....
     In so far as a theory can be said to have “assumptions” at all, and in so far as their “realism” can be judged independently of the validity of predictions, the relation between the significance of a theory and the “realism” of its assumptions is almost the opposite of that suggested by the view under criticism.  Truly important and significant hypotheses will be found to have wildly inaccurate descriptive representations of reality, and, in general, the more significant the theory, the more unrealistic the assumptions (in this sense).  The reason is simple.  A hypothesis is important if it “explains” much by little, that is, if it abstracts the common and crucial elements from the mass of complex and detailed circumstances surrounding the phenomena to be explained and permits valid predictions on the basis of them alone.  To be important, therefore, a hypothesis must be descriptively false in its assumptions; it takes account of, and accounts for, none of the many other attendant circumstances, since its very success shows them to be irrelevant for the phenomena to be explained.
     To put this point less paradoxically, the relevant question to ask about the “assumptions” of a theory is not whether they are descriptively “realistic,” for they never are, but whether they are sufficiently good approximations for the purpose in hand.  And this question can be answered only be seeing whether the theory works, which means whether it yields sufficiently accurate predictions.  The two supposedly independent tests thus reduce to one test. 

Friedman therefore maintains that the only valid criticisms of a theory are empirical criticisms.  Samuelson (1963) responds to this idea with the following example:

... what I and other readers believe is his [Friedman’s] new twist – which from now on I shall call the “F-twist” ... is the following:  A theory is vindicable if (some of) its consequences are empirically valid to a useful degree of approximation; the (empirical) unrealism of the theory “itself,” or of its “assumptions,” is quite irrelevant to its validity and worth. ...
              ... the nonpositivistic Milton Friedman has a strong effective demand which a valid F-twist brand of positivism could supply.  The motivation for the F-twist, critics say, is to help the case for (1) the perfectly competitive laissez faire model of economics, which has been under continuous attack from outside the profession for a century and from within since the monopolistic competition revolution of thirty years past; and (2), but of lesser moment, the “maximization of profit” hypothesis, that mixture of truism, truth, and untruth.
              If Dr. Friedman tells us this was not so; if his psychoanalyst assures us his testimony in this case is not vitiated by subconscious motivations; even if Maxwell’s Demon and a Jury in Heaven concur – still it would seem a fair use of the F-Twist itself to say:  “Our theory about the origin and purpose of the F-twist may be ‘unrealistic’ (a euphemism for ‘empirically dead wrong’), but what of that.  The consequence of our theory agrees with the fact that Chicagoans use the methodology to explain away objections to their assertions. (pp. 232-33)

Samuelson here is exploiting the well-known problems with self-referential statements – see Hofstadter (1979).  Samuelson concludes his discussion as follows:

              Experience suggests that nature displays a mysterious simplicity if only we can discern it.  This is a bonus and need not have been so.  And unrealistic, abstract models often prove useful in the hunt for these regularities.  (Sometimes they prove misleading to a whole generation of searchers.)
              This psychological usefulness should not be confused with empirical validity.  Black coffee may be useful to physicists, mathematicians, economists, and artists.  But coffee is coffee.  Such abstract models are like scaffolding used to build a structure; the structure must stand by itself.  If the abstract models contain empirical falsities, we must jettison the models, not gloss over their inadequacies.
              The empirical harm done by the F-Twist is this.  In practice it leads to Humpty-Dumptiness.  Lewis Carroll had Humpty-Dumpty use words any way he wanted to.  I have in mind something different:  Humpty-Dumpty uses the F-Twist to say, “What I choose to call and admissible amout of unrealism and empirical validity is the tolerable amount of unrealism.”
              The fact that nothing is perfect accurate should not be an excuse to relax our standards of scrutiny of the empirical validity that the propositions of economics do or do not possess. (p. 236)

                   Hausman (1989) points out that the Friedman methodology says nothing meaningful about how theories are formed and nothing about how theories are revised.[26]  Where do the assumptions that make up a theory come from in the first place?  One might argue that economists use the rational choice assumption because it is successful empirically, but that cannot always have been the case.  It is possible that in the past a number of different approaches were tried randomly rather than because of any conformation of their assumptions with reality, and that the rational choice approach has come to dominate its competitors (in Economics, at least) because it has been more successful empirically.  I am not sufficiently familiar with the history of economic thought to dismiss this contention, though it is not especially plausible to me that someone sitting down to develop the first theory of (say) international trade would choose assumptions at random with no thought as to their empirical validity.
                   Even so, let us grant that scholars who currently employ the rational choice approach do so only because of its past empirical successes.  What happens when a theory fails empirically?  In these cases, the economist’s first instinct is to check his or her empirical technique.  Are there problems with the data?[27]  Have statistical methods been applied properly?  If that approach is unsuccessful, and if the economist is unwilling to jettison the entire project, it becomes necessary to change one or more of the model’s assumptions. 
                   How does the economist decide which assumption(s) to change?  In practice, economists surely make this decision at least some of the time by thinking about realism.   That is, they try to identify which assumption(s) are unrealistic and change them accordingly.  Of course they will only keep the new assumptions if those assumptions have verified empirical implications, but in my view it is clearly wrong to say that realism has no role at all in decisions about which changes in assumptions to try first.
                   One can also imagine a situation in which two theories account for the same phenomena equally well.  How is one to choose the preferred theory?  One approach would be to broaden the range of phenomena under consideration until one theory dominates the other empirically.  I think it is fair to say, however, that economists do not always take this approach.  Instead, they sometimes choose the theory with the most plausible assumptions.  Sargent (1976) seems to advocate both approaches.[28]
                   The bottom line of this discussion is that a strict interpretation of the Friedman argument is not beyond question.  That is, there are circumstances under which it might not be completely unreasonable to question the assumptions of a model.  I therefore proceed below to discuss briefly some of the ways the assumptions of the rational choice model have been questioned in the economics literature.
                   I do believe, however, that a less strict interpretation of Friedman’s argument is helpful.  If one has a theory that generates predictions that are “sufficiently accurate,” one should not discard the theory simply because its assumptions are not literally true to the last detail.  Theory is abstraction in the same sense that a road map is an abstraction.  A road map of the State of Texas that was literally true would be the size of the State of Texas, which would not be of much use.  Different maps (say of a city, state, or country) embody different assumptions about what to ignore, and the appropriateness of those assumptions depends on the context.  A street map of Dallas is not of much use to someone driving from Texas to California.
                   Much of the criticism of rational choice theory would seem to be that the assumptions of the theory are not literally and completely true.  No model can pass such a test, as all theories abstract from reality in some way. Determining the validity of a model (or even a methodology) would therefore seem to involve a subtle examination of both plausibility of assumptions and conformity with real-world data.  There is no single magic bullet.[29]
                   I concluded above that most criticisms of rational choice theory are criticisms of assumptions rather than contentions that implications do not follow from assumptions.  It is useful to place these criticisms of assumptions in two categories.  The first is criticisms of the foundational assumptions of rational choice.  The second is criticisms of the auxiliary assumptions that are an inevitable part of any rational choice model. 
                   The most basic assumption of rational choice theory is that the primary unit of analysis is the individual decision-maker.  This formulation has been criticized by those (including Marxists) who believe that groups (e.g., social classes) are fundamental. This issue of  “methodological individualism” shows up in many contexts in the social sciences.  Its use in Economics is discussed thoughtfully by Arrow (1994).
                   Even if the individual is the fundamental unit of analysis, problems remain.  The psychologist Amos Tversky, in a number of studies done in collaboration with various other scholars, has shown that individual choice behavior often does not conform to the fundamental premises of rational choice theory.  Some of these results are described in Tversky and Kahenman (1981, 1986).  Preferences are not always transitive, for example.  The basic assumptions of expected utility maximization under conditions of uncertainty are especially problematic.  The “Austrian” school of economic thought is also very critical of the how uncertainty is treated in the rational choice approach.  [See O’Driscoll, Rizzo, and Garrison (1979).]
                   Another important assumption of rational choice theory is the idea that preferences are primitive and stable.  The Institutional school of economic thought is highly critical of this assumption, arguing instead that preferences are changed by factors such as advertising.  Galbraith (1984) is a best-selling example of this line of thinking, which argues that one must understand institutions before one can understand preferences.  The New Institutional Economics, however, views institutions as ultimately reflective of the decisions made by economically rational individuals.  An example from this literature is North (1982).
                   Related to those the Institutional school are the purveyors of Radical Political Economy.  These scholars view power relations and associated political questions as primary, with economic issues following from power relationships.  Bowles (1974, p. 131), for example, contends that “...the inequalities and antidemocratic hierarchies which dominate our everyday lives are rooted in the capitalist system itself, not in preferences, technology, or ill-conceived state action.”  In contrast, many rational choice theorists would view political questions and power relations as being driven by economic concerns.
                   Finally, a number of economists – most notably Herbert Simon -- have questioned whether individuals have complete information about choice alternatives and/or are able to make the extensive computations called for by conventional rational choice assumptions.  Simon (1987, p. 5) uses the term “bounded rationality” to “designate rational choice that takes into account the cognitive limitations of the decision-maker – limitations of both knowledge and computational capacity.”  Theorists who rely on conventional rational choice models are by and large content to view those models in an “as if” sense.  That is, the agents in question behave “as if” they are maximizing utility subject to constraints.  Whether the agents actually make the calculations envisioned by the theory is irrelevant.  As Friedman (1957, p. 21) notes:

Consider the problem of predicting the shots made by an expert billiard player.  It seems not at all unreasonable that excellent predictions would be yielded by the hypothesis that the billiard player made his shots as if he knew the complicated mathematical formulas that would give the optimum directions of travel, could estimate accurately by eye the angles, etc. describing the locations of the balls, could make lightning calculations from the formulas, and could then make the balls travel in the direction indicated by the formulas.  Our confidence in this hypothesis is not based on the belief that billiard players, even expert ones, can or do go through the process described; it derives rather from the belief that, unless in some way or other they were capable of reaching essentially the same result, they would not in fact be expert billiard players.  [Emphasis in original.]

The school of thought known as behavioral economics is devoted instead to “... the ways in which the actual decision-making process influences the decisions that are reached.”  [Simon (1987, p. 5)]   One response to this line of criticism is to cite Stigler (1961) – and the voluminous literature spawned thereby -- who develops a rational choice model in which agents choose to collect and use the optimal amount of information by comparing benefits and costs.
                   Criticisms of the auxiliary assumptions of rational choice theory are also widespread.  Rational choice models in economics often assume perfectly competitive markets and complete information, which seems to many observers to be drastically at odds with the situation in the real world.  Arrow (1987) contends that the assumption of rationality has by itself no observable implications whatsoever.  Instead,  

Rationality in application is not merely a property of the individual.  Its useful and powerful implications derive from the conjunction of individual rationality and the other basic concepts of neoclassical theory – equilibrium, competition, and completeness of markets. ...  When these assumptions fail, the very concept of rationality becomes threatened, because perceptions of others and, in particular, of their rationality becomes part of one’s own rationality.  Even if there is a consistent meaning, it will involve computational and informational demands totally at variance with the traditional economic theorist’s view of the decentralized economy.  (pp. 26-7)

                   An important subset of this basic criticism is that without very strong auxiliary assumptions many economic models have multiple equilibria.  If a model has multiple equilibria, it does not have specific observable predictions and therefore is not subject to verification.  Multiple equilibria tend to arise quite frequently in game theory models, where somewhat arbitrary assumptions must be made about how agents anticipate the actions of other agents.  This problem has spawned a large sub-literature in game theory on “equilibrium refinement” – which essentially looks for ways to narrow down the range of admissible equilibria so that the models do have observable implications.[30]  Van Huyck, Battalio, and Biel (1991) report the results of experiments showing that in certain kinds of games with multiple equilibria, agents will nevertheless coordinate on a specific equilibrium in predictable ways. 
                   Another important situation in which multiple equilibria tend to occur in economics is when agents exhibit altruism.  If people care about each other in a model, that model is much less likely to have specific observable predictions than a model in which all agents are selfish egoists. 
C.      Policy Prescriptions
                   Perhaps the most important criticism of rational choice theory involves not the theory per se but how it is used.  In a sense these criticisms are not relevant to our discussion, which focuses on the rational choice approach per se.  Even so, it may be useful to review some of them  briefly.
                   Economists tend to base judgments about the relative desirability of different outcomes on how individuals fare (in terms of utility) in each outcome.  In addressing these kinds of questions economists usually assume that agents’ preferences are self-centered and based on the consumption of material goods and services.  Hausman and McPherson (1997, p. 2) note, however, that “[t]he view that well-being is the satisfaction of preference has little to recommend itself as a philosophical theory of human well-being.”  It seems clear that people sometimes make bad choices, and economics in practice does little to allow for this fact.
                   Economists often arrive at policy recommendations that are at odds with prevailing opinion (and some might say with common sense).  Many economists advocate the legalization of narcotics such as heroin – for a good example, see Miron and Zwiebel (1995).  Lawrence Summers, former Treasury Secretary and now President of Harvard University, once considered advocating the export of high-pollution industries to poor countries on the grounds of economic efficiency [Hausman and McPherson (1996, pp. 9-10)].  These arguments may be valid based on the assumptions economists employ, but to the non-economist it sometimes seems clear that the arguments are overlooking something important.
                   Most economists compare economic outcomes according to the criterion of Pareto optimality.  (The branch of economics with this kind of work is known as welfare economics.)  An outcome is said to be “Pareto optimal” if no one agent can be made better off (higher utility) without making at least one agent worse off (lower utility).  This criterion is viewed favorably by economists because it does not require the comparison of utilities.  Economists generally do not feel qualified to say that person A should benefit at the expense of person B, and with the Pareto criterion they don’t have to make statements of that kind.  What they can say with the criterion is that a situation in which someone can be made better off without hurting anyone else is not a good situation.  Economists oppose monopolies and price controls for this reason.
                   A problem with the Pareto criterion is that it does not allow very useful discussions of distributional issues.  An outcome with one rich person and everyone else on the verge of starvation can be Pareto optimal.  In fact, many outcomes can be Pareto optimal, and economists can usually provide little insight about how to choose between them.  Thus rational choice theory as it is conventionally used does not seem to be a great deal of help with respect to issues of justice and fairness.[31] 

D.      Christian Perspectives
     The interface between economics and religious faith runs two directions.  The first direction runs from economics to religion.  In this work scholars use economic concepts to analyze religious behavior.  The paper by Azzi and Ehrenberg (1975) discussed above is a good example of this approach.  A comprehensive overview is provided by Iannaccone (1998).
     Tiemstra (1994) provides a recent overview of writings on the second perspective, which considers Christian perspectives on Economics.  He outlines two critiques, the “ethical critique” and the “methodological critique.”  The ethical critique focuses on how economics is used for policy prescriptions (as discussed in the previous section).  He makes the following points:

·        “[t]he desires of individuals are infected with the sinfulness that we all inherit as part of our nature, and hence are an inadequate ethical foundation for economic policy.”  (p. 232)
·        “Welfare economics overemphasizes allocation questions and underemphasizes distribution questions. (p. 232)
·        “The neoclassical account of self-interested, gain-seeking individuals is incapable of describing the behavior of Christians who are trying to live according to the stewardship principle.  Furthermore, since all humans are created in the image of God, and hence are by their very nature religious and moral beings, the neoclassical model fails to capture an essential dimension of human behavior.” (p. 232)
·        “By teaching people the utilitarian ideology of neoclassical economics, economists encourage the very kind of self-interested, greedy behavior that is inconsistent with the demands of the Christian life ...” (pp. 232-3)

                   The methodological critique says that “[n]eoclassical economists are incorrect when they claim that “positive” ... economics is value-free, and that therefore values only enter into “normative” (i.e., prescriptive) economics.  Value judgments are inevitably involved in deciding which questions to study, which data are relevant, which theory to select of the infinite number that are consistent with the data, and which method to use to validate the theory.”  (p. 236)
     Tiemstra notes that the most common response to these critiques by Christian writers is to advocate a Christian form of Institutionalism.  He notes, however, that “[t]he Christian writers who have adopted [the Institutionalist approach] for their own work have generally not offered an elaborate justification for choosing it.”  (p. 240)  He also notes, interestingly, that most work in this area has been done by Calvinists and Catholics, with only a few contributions from mainline Protestants. 
     To this point, then, there have not been many attempts to incorporate Christian insights into rational choice theory.  One notable effort is by Yuengert (2001), who extends the rational addiction model of Becker and Murphy (1998) to allow for “passion.”  Interestingly, his analysis provides “... a normative rationale, absent from rational addiction models, for policies that limit access to addictive goods.”  (p. 1)   Other work, though not obviously motivated by Christian concerns, may provide guidance for Christian scholars thinking about these issues.  Akerlof and Kranton (2002), for example, describe their model as follows:

This paper considers how identity, a person's sense of self, affects economic outcomes. We incorporate the psychology and sociology of identity into an economic model of behavior. In the utility function we propose, identity is associated with different social categories and howpeople in these categories should behave. We then construct a simple game-theoretic model showing how identity can affect individual interactions. The paper adapts these models to gender discrimination in the workplace, the economics of poverty and social exclusion, and the household division of labor. In each case, the inclusion of identity substantively changes conclusions of previous economic analysis.
It might be possible to explore within this framework whether a particular kind of identity, a Christian identity, has any unique observable implications.
7.       Concluding Remarks
                   In this paper I have tried to give the reader a sense of how rational choice theory works and of its methodological foundations.  The theory is making substantial inroads into a number of social science disciplines.  There are two possible explanations for this fact.  First, the theory is useful in that it generates novel predictions and provides useful insights.  Second, everyone using the theory is a misguided reductionist driven by perverse ideological motivations.  Though there is probably a bit of truth in both explanations, I think the former is probably closer to the truth than the latter.
                   Rational choice theory is subject to a number of criticisms, but that is to be expected.  We are not likely to attain complete knowledge about anything, especially social phenomena – any time soon.  Refer to the quotes from Churchill and Sen shown on the first page of this paper.  To paraphrase Churchill, rational choice theory may well be the worst social science methodology ever invented except for all the others.  I believe this means we should be open to the insights provided by rational choice theory without embracing the approach with religious fervor.  The approach can be useful, or it can be misleading.  So can all other approaches.
                   I close with three sets of questions I would like for us to consider in our deliberations during the seminar:

(1)             Does the basic rational choice approach in which preferences are assumed to depend only on material self-interest actually encourage people to make choices primarily because of material self-interest?  If so, how?  If the rational choice approach is amended to allow for non-selfish preferences, will the typical person in society gradually become less selfish?
(2)             Why is it that the application of rational choice methods in certain areas is troubling to some people?[32]  Why do some people resent being represented as utility-maximizing machines with respect to certain aspects of our behavior – in particular, those aspects of behavior that provide the most meaning in our lives – faith, hope and love?  Are there limits to the legitimate scope of rational choice inquiry?  That is, should we rule out a priori the application of rational choice methods to some questions?[33]  Do sacred things lose their meaning if we come to view them through a rational choice lens?
(3)             Should the use of rational choice methods by a Christian scholar differ in an important way from how they are used in the mainstream literature?  If so, how?  Why?


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[1] The analysis of firm behavior has many similarities with the analysis of consumer behavior.  Firms are generally assumed to make choices with the idea of maximizing profits or the market value of the firm (as reflected in the firm’s stock price if it is a corporation).
[2] See Mas-Collel, Whinston, and Green (1995), Chapter 1 and Kreps (1990), Chapter 2.
[3] This approach takes preferences as primitive and views them as determining choices.  An alternative approach called the theory of revealed preference takes choice behavior as primitive and imposes certain consistency conditions – the main condition being that if alternative X is ever chosen when alternative Y is available, it can never be the case that Y will be chosen when both X and Y are available.  Under certain conditions the two approaches are equivalent.  (See Mas-Collel, Whinston, and Green (1995), pp. 91-92.)
[4]  The function U = U(x,y) is a general function – that is, simply a shorthand way of saying that the variable U depends on the variables x and y without describing the precise nature of that dependence.   Economists have a tendency to use the same letter to denote the variable being explained (U in this case) and the function that explains that variable.  An example that might be more familiar to some readers is  y = f(x).  This is a short-hand way of saying that the variable y depends on the variable x, where f(·) is the mathematical function that relates them.  An economist in this case might write y = y(x), where y is both the variable being explained and the function explaining it.  The reason economists do this is that in models with many variables, it becomes very confusing when different symbols are used for variables and their associated functions.
[5] Two of the most popular are the Cobb-Douglas function U(x,y) = Axayb, where a and b are both between 0 and 1, and the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function U(x,y) = [ax1r + bx2r]1/r.   
[6] One might wonder if the consumption planned for period 2 while planning in period 1 is still optimal when period 2 arrives.  Economists refer to the situation in which the period 1 plan is not optimal as a situation of time inconsistency.  This possiblity was first analyzed by Strotz (1955-1956) and is discussed at length by Elster (1986).
[7] The recent film A Beautiful Mind, which won the 2001 Academy Award for Best Picture, depicts the life of John Nash, a Princeton University professor who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science for his work in game theory.
[8] It is possible that a model might have no equilibrium or more than one equilibrium.  I address this possibility of multiple equilibria near the end of the paper.
[9] I attended a seminar as a graduate student in which someone proposed a preference-based explanation for some anomaly, and the response from the audience was (and I quote) “that’s cheating.” 
[10] This section reflects my understanding and evaluation of the philosophy of science literature as applied to rational choice theory.  There is no doubt that my understanding is seriously incomplete, and it may in fact be totally wrong.  Time constraints have not permitted me to track down all relevant references here, though I will do so in a later draft.  Works I have found helpful are Friedman (1953), Hausman (1984), and Hausman (1989).
[11] A related phenomenon would seem to occur in strategic planning processes in organizations such as universities.  It is quite tempting for a division (or even an individual) to establish goals ex ante that can be justified ex post has having been achieved regardless of what actually happens.  One role of managers (administrators) in those situations is to insist that units or individuals be specific about what kinds of outcomes will constitute failure. 
[12] Lakatos and Zahar (1978) argue that novelty was a key reason that the celestial theory of Copernicus superceded the theory of Ptolemy.   This view is challenged by Thomason (1992).
[13] “Permanent income” is a measure of purchasing power that reflects expected future income as well as current income.
[14] The devices include “ (1) seat belts for all occupants, (2) energy-absorbing steering column, (3) penetration resistant windshield, (4) dual braking system, and (5) padded instrument panel.  (p. 678)
[15] A more recent update of the Peltzman study is provided by Singh and Thayer (1992).
[16] Total driving accidents includes accidents involving pedestrians.
[17] I am reminded of the tune “Kicks” released by the rock group Paul Revere and the Raiders in 1966, with lyrics

Those kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find
Those kicks ain’t bringin’ you peace of mind
Before you find out it’s too late, girl, you better get straight
Girl you don’t need kicks.

[18] The phrase “increase rapidly” has a precise formulation in the model:  it refers to a case when the second order linear differential equation implied by the model has an unstable root.
[19] In the Becker and Murphy model, consumption capital “depreciates” (that is, wears out or becomes less effective) over time in the absence of additional consumption.  Cycles of overeating and dieting result if (i) eating capital rises with eating  -- that is, the more one eats the more one enjoys eating, (ii) higher weight reduces utility, and (iii) eating capital depreciates (wears out) faster than do the negative effects of being overweight.  “Assume that a person with low weight and eating capital became addicted to eating.  As eating rose over time, eating capital would rise more rapidly than weight because it has the higher depreciation rate.  Ultimately, eating would level off and begin to fall because weight continues to increase.  Lower food consumption then depreciates the stock of eating capital relative to weight, and the reduced level of eating capital keeps eating down even after weight begins to fall.  Eating picks up again only when weight reaches a sufficiently low level.  The increase in eating then raises eating capital, and the cycle begins again.  These cycles can be either damped or explosive (or constant, depending on whether the steady state is stable or unstable.”  (p. 694)
[21] This result would seem to be based on the assumption that discrimination does not occur in the court system, in the sense that expected costs (either in terms of higher conviction rates or higher penalties upon conviction) for minorities are the same as for whites.  The authors do not test for this kind of discrimination.
[22] This applies to universities as well.  “In a university, the faculty use office telephones, paper, and mail for personal uses strictly beyond strict university productivity.  The university administrators could stop such practices by identifying the responsible person in each case, but they can do so only at higher costs than administrators are willing to incur.  The extra costs of identifying each party (rather than merely identifying the presence of each activity) would exceed the savings from diminished faculty ‘turpitudinal peccadilloes’.   So the faculty is allowed some degree of ‘privileges, perquisites, or fringe benefits.’  And the total pecuniary wages paid is lower because of this irreducible (at acceptable costs) degree of amenity-seizing activity.   Pay is lower in pecuniary terms and higher in leisure, conveniences, and ease of work.” 
[23] I am grateful to Beck Taylor for directing me to this paper.
[24] On the second day of our seminar Steve Gardner will trace the development in intellectual history of this restricted view of rationality.
[25] “reason” Encyclopaedia Britannica [Accessed May 11, 2002]
[26] Friedman (1957, pp. 42-43) ends his essay as follows:  “Progress in positive economics will require not only the testing and elaboration of existing hypotheses but also the construction of new hypotheses.  On this problem there is little to say on a formal level.  The construction of hypotheses is a creative act of inspiration, intuition, invention; its essence is the vision of something new in familiar material.  The process must be discussed in psychological, not logical, categories; studied in autobiographies and biographies, not treatises on scientific method; and promoted by maxim and example, not syllogism or theorem.” 
[27] Prescott (1986) suggests that because the assumptions of his model are good, the fact that the data do not agree with his model’s predictions means there is a problem with the data rather than with his model.  This argument has the implication that data availability (that is, which data are collected and reported) is driven at least in part by theory.   Thus the idea that one can have complete confidence in empirical tests of theories is problematic.
[28] Regarding the realism of assumptions:  “In effect, it is necessary to get some evidence on what sort of invariance assumption is the most realistic one to impose.”  (p. 632).  Regarding looking for more observable implications: 
”... by studying data more or less finely aggregated over time, different implications of our two invariance assumptions might be extracted and tested.”  (p. 637)
[29] One might respond to this argument by noting that, as a matter of logic, false premises must in general yield false conclusions (absent some kind of fortuitous coincidence in which two or more false assumptions exactly offset each other in some way).  Samuelson (1963, pp. 232-6) addresses this issue formally.  His main point involves the fact that theories are rarely (really, never) fully complete logical systems. 
[30] Beck Taylor will discuss game theory and equilibrium refinement on day two of our seminar.
[31] As always, there are exceptions to this statement.  See Alkan, Demange, and Gale (1991) and the references cited therein.
[32] Laurence Iannaccone is the economist most recognized for applying economic analysis to religious phenomena.  Iannaccone visited Baylor two years ago, and at the end of his presentation he mentioned that he was now applying rational choice methods to understand the evolution of the doctrine of hell in Christian thought.  This was troubling to most faculty and students in the audience.  Iannaccone, a devout Presbyterian himself, did not find it troubling.
[33] Philosophers apparently have no difficulty in applying their craft to the most fundamental question – whether God exists.  Indeed, this is the topic of the other faculty development seminar running concurrently with ours.


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